Image of the day

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North American Nebula 9/1/24

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New Camera

Started by jmclaugh2001, 05/08/2006 10:01PM
Posted 05/08/2006 10:01PM | Edited 05/08/2006 11:24PM Opening Post
First light with new Pentax SLR camera.
Comments? Criticisms?? :S
I'm new to astrophotography, so be gentle!!

Attached Image:

jmclaugh2001's attachment for post 31411
Posted 05/09/2006 12:04AM #1
Looks like you are off to a great start.
Very good exposure level.
Focus is not quite as crispy as it could be,
but its pretty close.
Posted 05/09/2006 12:46AM #2
That is a great 1st image! grin

I agree with John B. and a little focus tweaking would be worthwhile.

Now if you're sure about the focus then you might be experiencing some vibration. Does the Pentax allow you to lock up the mirror prior to taking an exposure? Mirror slap can ruin even a perfectly focused shot.

If no Mirror lock you can try the old black card in front of the telescope trick.

Nice work!

Posted 05/09/2006 01:20AM #3
20 times better than my first moon shot. a little pratice and patience will definatelly pay off

Posted 05/09/2006 12:55PM #4
John, that's an excellent first pic! A little over exposed, if you increase shutter speed by 1 or 2 stops you'll be amazed. What scope are you using and what mount are you using? Sometimes the mirror slap induces vibrations in the DSLR's, making them tricky instruments for lunar imaging.

Posted 05/10/2006 12:56AM #5
Hi John,

Just remember that a little tweaking in Photoshop will transform your first good photo into a "great" one. I edited your photo to show what I mean. I prefer black and white for the moon.

I am also starting to learn lunar photography.


Attached Image:

dchavezjr's attachment for post 103564