Image of the day

Captured by
Evan Miller

Sun in H-alpha Inverted10 Jul 2022

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Is ISON a binocular object?

Started by macdonjh, 10/15/2013 11:56AM
Posted 10/15/2013 11:56AM Opening Post
Has anyone seen comet ISON with binoculars? I think I might have this morning, but according to the star chart at the Astronomy website, I could also have seen a star.
Posted 10/16/2013 08:01AM | Edited 10/17/2013 05:11PM #1
Here is an image taken at 5:05 am as a reference. Should be close to when you were observing. Its a single 6 min exposure using a yellow filter. The comet is a little over a degree north of mars. Regulus is about 2 degrees south of ISON... North is to the left...Hope this helps...

OH the smudge on the Mars side of Regulus is the Dwarf Galaxy Leo 1...

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