C 110/750 Kometensucher

Started by GiulianoT, 11/04/2013 03:02PM
Posted 11/04/2013 03:02PM Opening Post
Hi, I recently bought a Carl Zeiss Jena C 110/750 "Kometensucher", and I'm wondering if someone has some more info about this scope. My scope was advertised in 2004-2005 from APM (the ad is still present here on Amart), I bought it from the guy that aquired it from Markus. Searching on the web I didn't find any picture of this objective "original" intubation. I wrote to Zeiss archives and I'm waiting for answer. I just find that it was sold in the '90s as objective alone. Someone can help? Thanks, Giuliano
Posted 02/10/2014 06:42PM #1
I have one in the original tube. Vivek