TV 11 mm plossl

Started by Jason Paoletti, 01/14/2003 06:28PM
Posted 01/14/2003 06:28PM Opening Post
Does anyone out there have this ep? I am thinking of picking one up for use in an 8" f/6 dob for powers of 111x and 222x w/ barlow. Could anyone tell me how comfortable the eye relief is? This would be used w/barlow as my main planetary ep so I would like it to be comfortable.
Posted 01/14/2003 08:08PM #1

The TV 11mm plossl is a great eyepiece, I use one with my 10" F6 newt. I would call the eye relief adequate (not great but not terrible either). It definitely doesn't have enough eye relief for people who have to wear glasses. I can't quite see the whole field of view without rolling down the eyecup ( maybe I just have deep eye sockets, though :-) One note, it does have a little vignetting when used in conjuction with an Orion shorty 3 element barlow (which I just ignore since the image quaility is still great). When I use the eyepiece, I usually back off just a bit anyway, since the whole field of view usually isn't required for viewing the planets anyway.
