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Evan Miller

Sun in H-alpha Inverted10 Jul 2022

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Polar Alighnment Reticle

Started by Kevin, 08/06/2006 02:35PM
Posted 08/06/2006 02:35PM Opening Post
Fellow NJP/Tak mount users. I have installed a new set of legs for my NJP. Pic below by the way. But have an alignment question.

The RA has always been off center when reticle is vertical, and always assumed it was because I was on a slope. Now I have my mount on a perfectly plumb pier, and it is off even more. When reticle is vertical, counterweight bar is at about 4 o'clock. Is this normal or not important? I ask as when I carefully polar align, I seem to have a bit less goto peformance than what I expected getting into this mount, but this was first goto, and I am working with small st7 chip. I have assumed it is orthagonality up till now, but wonder.


Attached Image:

Kevin's attachment for post 32800
Posted 08/07/2006 10:45PM #1

It's normal. When my (NJP) reticle is verticle, its RA is off center too. The only thing important here is, the reticle has to be verticle.


Wei-Hao Wang