>>>But it also has to be believable, and I think he perhaps let his "suppliers" pull the wool over his eyes, and by transitivity, over the eyes of all those whose deposits have been sitting God knows where for many, many, many months.
8 months is not "many, many, many months." Many, many, many months is years and years. This is just several months.
The problem here is we all wanted to pay $200 for a $400+ scope. Now when it is taking longer than expected, we are frustated disappointed. These scopes will arrive at our door steps in the next few months.
If you are done waiting, I suggest just selling your space on Astromart and buying an Orion 100F6 or an Orion 120,, F8.3 These are good scopes, though of course they cost about $50 more that the Burgess Optic scopes, do not have a 2 inch diagonal, no 2 speed focuser, no 50mm finder, no tube rings in the case of the larger scope.
But still a decent scope.
8 months is not "many, many, many months." Many, many, many months is years and years. This is just several months.
The problem here is we all wanted to pay $200 for a $400+ scope. Now when it is taking longer than expected, we are frustated disappointed. These scopes will arrive at our door steps in the next few months.
If you are done waiting, I suggest just selling your space on Astromart and buying an Orion 100F6 or an Orion 120,, F8.3 These are good scopes, though of course they cost about $50 more that the Burgess Optic scopes, do not have a 2 inch diagonal, no 2 speed focuser, no 50mm finder, no tube rings in the case of the larger scope.
But still a decent scope.