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For anyone still waiting for their 102F6

Started by jonisaacs, 02/06/2004 01:15AM
Posted 02/06/2004 01:15AM Opening Post
Just a heads up here:

I had not received notification that my 102F6 was ready for shipment, or in fact any info from BO. I sent an Email to Tammy earlier today and received a reply this afternoon that all they needed was my credit card expiration date to ship it.

I had called them in December when the information about the 3 choices was posted here.

Apparently they did send me the Email but I missed it or something went wrong.

So, if you are still waiting, the scopes are ready to ship, give em a call or Email em.

Best wishes

Posted 02/06/2004 03:35AM #1
That's what I ended up doing...Giving them a call after call after call after call after call.... Nah just kiddin it only took three calls. Once to give them my credit card info.Two ( a week later )to find out they decided to wait a week for the dovetails to come in.. Three after I noticed the dollars were taken off my credit card... Did it actually ship yet?? They said it did but who knows..

But I do know this. At 150.00 it is just as good optically as any 102 f6 out there ( even after I take the baffle out). You would be hard pressed to beat the price.. And even if I leave the baffle in.. you'd be hard pressed to find a 90mm like the Orion short tube 90 for 150.00 with very little color which I hear the final version of the Burgess achro has... Very little color.

So all that to say this.... Yes Burgess business practices are sometimes on the border of absurd but I'm in no hurry so it doesn't really effect me. I do feel sorry for the folks that it does affects.

Mark Visser
Posted 02/06/2004 07:43AM #2
It's been a year since ordering a 4" achro and while the promises and dreams of new products keep on coming, we were given a very clear option of cancelling the order Dec. 9th. I paid full price + shipping a year ago and I can't get answers from the dealer I ordered from (Anacortes) nor Burgess.

What is the matter? Am I missing something or do I have to start the legal stuff? All I want is to be rid of this Burgess BS and get my money back - simple.