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Any News?

Started by jonisaacs, 08/01/2003 03:50PM
Posted 08/01/2003 03:50PM Opening Post
Anybody have any news about the progress of the 1026's across the ocean to Tennessee???

Just day dreaming.....

Posted 08/02/2003 07:01PM #1
Hey, John. I thought I'd respond to your inquiry although I might be saying a lot of nothing.

The last definite item was a note saying that ATWB had been informed that Bill Burgess was waiting for a call from Customs concerning his refractors (1st Burgess Group Forum, Msg 2542). Bill himself has written the 1st group forum saying that he's waiting anxiously for the scopes (Msg 2565). He appears to have a lot invested in these scopes.
Once they show up at his shop, he'll test them and get them out pretty quickly. The scuttlebutt is that that all the 1026's will be sent out in a period of 2 weeks and the 1278's in the next 2 weeks.

Mark Costello
Matthews, NC, USA

"I hear you're mechanically inclined. Did you ever do anything with perpetual motion?"

"Yeah, I nearly had it a couple of times."