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AP 6" F/12 Superplanetary Refractor

Started by lthaxton, 05/11/2003 02:00PM
Posted 05/11/2003 02:00PM Opening Post
There must be a few of these floating around. Does anyone know how many were actually produced? I understand they were triplets, anything in particular about the glass used in the lenses for APO performance? How do they actually perform on the planets? Compared to other scopes, i.e., various AP 155s? What mounting are folks using with theirs?

Posted 05/11/2003 03:08PM #1
For planetary performance you will not be disappointed with the 6" f/12, the glass used in this scope is not ED but the performance, thanks to its long F ratio, is in par with AP's later ED triplets.
IMHO, of all the AP155's, the 155 f/9EDT is the real super planetary from the performance standpoint, absolutely the tightest planetary images that I have seen in this size refractor.

Posted 05/11/2003 03:57PM #2
I observed through one at NIAGfest. It was on a simple, non-motorized GEM. The views of Saturn were stunning, even at relatively low power (<200x). Seemed optically equal to a TAK FS-152.
