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APM 406mm Cas. use Hubble image to sell scope ?

Started by Martin Willes, 01/15/2006 02:32PM
Posted 01/15/2006 02:32PM | Edited 12/02/2006 01:31PM Opening Post
I know this is a TMB forum but I have a question for the APM guys. Why is Markus Ludes using a Hubble image of Saturn to sell his 406mm Cassegrain on Astromart? When people place ad's with pictures of DSO's this means the photograph was taken with the said telescope. Very sad. Hubble image can be found at I attached image for comparison. Markus if this photograph was taken on Earth, what scope was used? Martin Willes

Attached Image:

Martin Willes's attachment for post 29176

"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's there are few." Shunryu Suzuki[COLOR="Blue"][/COLOR]
Posted 01/16/2006 08:34PM #1
I would like the thank all of you here for having kept this issue in perspective and focused on the issue. I have seen far to often something like this degenerating into character attacks and so forth. From the initial post to the last good points have been raised. These days we have to be careful how and where we use the media generated by others. I have really appreciated the humor. I for one know that Markus did not intentionally post the photo to infer anything dishonest. Why should he when he already is producing world class equipment that has generated some very incredible images. Still inferences could have been made no matter how unintentional they were. I thank Martin for having brought up the photo and the rest of you for treating the issue such as it is or was the way you did. Markus I think that I can speak for the majority of the folks here and say that "You are forgiven". Smile
Respectfully Submitted,

Danny Halstead
Moderator APM Forum