Dear Kevin and Walter,
and of course Dear all Zeiss lovers.
I would like to introduce myself a little bit to the forum.
I am 32 years old and work as an assitant professor for Bioorganic and Natural Products Chemistry at the University of Greifswald.
Beside my research on species inside the ocean I love to observe the sky; contrasts attract each other.
I started with astronomy in 1985 when my father traveled with me to the big Zeiss store in Berlin (former East Germany). They had everything one can dream of: AS100/1000's on Ib mounts; Telementors; Telemators and two Meniscas 180/1800. Of course nearly noone in the former GDR could buy such telescopes - but dream of them. And see them in a store; that is no longer possible
I found a small parcel under my christmas tree that year with the C50/540 objective and two Huygens eyepieces and together my father and me built my first telescope which I still own and use.
Through the years a Telementor, an APQ100/640, an APQ130/1000 and last weekend an ED80/840 "PRESTO" came to me and with these telescopes also my affinity and love to Zeiss telescopes and accessories. And of course I became interessted in the history of development of astronomical equipment at Zeiss. In 1996 I could privatly visit the Zeiss factory in Jena and see how the put together all pieces of astronomical equipment for the amateur; it's a pity...
I hope I can bring my addiction to Zeiss to many astronomers on Astromart and will do my best to be a scout in this forum. If I can help I will do my best.
Herb was so kind to give a second job to me :-) - if you have any German questions please have a look at that forum!