Image of the day

Captured by
Herb Bubert

Rosette nebula

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Posts Made By: Dan D DuBal

November 6, 2003 02:59 PM Forum: Solar System Observing

Light Cup discovered Lunartic "Fantastic 4"

Posted By Dan D DuBal

Actually, it's a lower-case H (h), and it marks an area which enjoys an extremely high concentration of Havarti.

At least, that's what Wallace told me. Gromit didn't refute it.

Continued thanks for sharing your observations, you Evangelist you.

Cheers and cheese.

November 7, 2003 05:53 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Moon-beams from above ...

Posted By Dan D DuBal

One of the larger loads of laughable logistical lunacy I've ever read.

As Wayne Campbell might so eloquently declare:
"Tchyeah... and monkeys will fly out of my butt."


November 14, 2003 05:05 PM Forum: Off Topic Discussions

Meteor or Not!

Posted By Dan D DuBal

It might be railroad slag, which is fairly common near existing freight tracks and/or old rail beds.

Pics are certainly welcome!

Keeping fingers crossed...

Best wishes.

November 15, 2003 05:23 AM Forum: DVDs and Music and Books That You Recommend


Posted By Dan D DuBal

Soundtrack for "The Local Hero." Music by Mark Knopfler (with help from other Dire Straits bandmates as well as Gerry Rafferty).

How can you go wrong with such songs as
"The Ceilidh And The Northern Lights"
"Coming Home"

Other artists -- among those I favor -- whose music may fit the bill:
Rickie Lee Jones
William Topley &/or The Blessing
Peter Gabriel
Del Amitri
Maria McKee
Chris Rea
Talk Talk

Best wishes and peace.

November 18, 2003 07:03 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

Barlow Question??

Posted By Dan D DuBal

The Panoptic-Barlow interface, in essence, is one half of a Powermate (Big Barlow + P-B interface = 2X Powermate). While not strictly necessary for use with the Panoptic, the P-B interface -- like the Powermates it preceded -- offers pupil correction, maintains inherent eye relief, and prevents vignetting.

It also adds a fair chunk to a given ocular "stack."

While I have no personal experience with the P-B interface and cannot speak to its potential "necessity," I hope the above info helps a little.

Best wishes.

November 20, 2003 03:00 PM Forum: Deep Sky Observing

Which nebulae show most detail in small scopes?

Posted By Dan D DuBal

75mm refractor and/or 150mm Maksutov, northern sky, dark site:
Nebulae: M8 and/or M42
Galaxies: M31 (by far)

As you specified, these yield more detail/complexity. Sheer apparent size & brightness (due to their proximity) is the primary reason.

For those folks who have a southern vantage, the Eta Carina nebula complex may be more of a jaw-dropper than M42. Southern-sky galaxies? The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds.

Cheers and best wishes.

November 30, 2003 06:29 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

Celestron's web page (SATURN OPPOSITION)

Posted By Dan D DuBal

I can't speak for the 60GT, but I can say that the simulated image shown on the website appears reasonably accurate, as far as my old f/13.3 Jason (Tasco) goes. Cassini is definitely visible along the ansae, if only as a contrast feature, as is the Equatorial Band.

The next several nights in my neck of the woods are expected to be mild and mostly clear. I will try and see how the Jason handles magnifications in the ~160-200 range (including its original SR4mm eyepiece). Tonight's fairly hazy, and the seeing isn't very good. Perhaps tomorrow night will be better.

Best wishes.

November 30, 2003 06:54 AM Forum: Wildlife Photography

Dead Fish - Again

Posted By Dan D DuBal

I always get a kick out of well-composed shots with wide-angle lenses and maximum depth of focus. This image is no exception. Nice juxtapositions and interesting textures. Good stuff, Tyler. Thanks for sharing.

December 4, 2003 09:35 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Powermate v. Barlow

Posted By Dan D DuBal

I have both -- an Ultima and a 2.5X Powermate. I've had the Ultima for almost nine years, and the Powermate for almost four.

I have not discerned a significant difference at the eyepiece. Each does a very good job.

The Powermate is a better choice for imaging &/or astrophotography.

The Ultima is more versatile with regard to magnification factor. Longer working distance between eyepiece and Ultima yields greater magnification. The 2.5X Powermate doesn't behave in that manner (it's not a Barlow).

Best wishes and luck.

January 9, 2004 08:27 PM Forum: DVDs and Music and Books That You Recommend


Posted By Dan D DuBal

In my book, Commander Gilmour is one of the most underrated rock songwriter/singer/guitarists on the planet. His range, both vocal and instrumental, is sublime and boggling.

Cheers, and thanks for the heads-up.