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Posts Made By: Joplin Motisher-Chittenden

April 30, 2003 04:25 PM Forum: Birding Optics and Photos

Digiscoping options

Posted By Joplin Motisher-Chittenden

I'm looking into options for digiscoping with a Nikon Coolpix 995 (38 - 150mm zoom equivalent) and a 640mm f.l. apo refractor. Here are options I've come up with so far: William Optics DCL-28 (24mm f.l.), Scopetronix Wide Angle 14mm or 18mm eyepiece, and finally my Apogee Widescan 20mm 70deg. fov eyepiece (it has a recess for the eyecup that should alow attachment of the Digi-T system). I would be going after small birds for the most part since we have a lot of those in this area. I'd like to know what eyepiece would probably be the most useful considering the focal length of the scope and zoom range of the camera.

May 7, 2003 06:26 PM Forum: Birding Optics and Photos

Cardinal at the feeder

Posted By Joplin Motisher-Chittenden

I took this image of a Cardinal at the feeder outside the open kitchen window. I was hoping to get some shots of a Tufted Titmouse that frequents the same spot but he was too skitish. I'm still getting used to the camera and scope setup so bit but I'm suprized it came out as well as it did. Details: Vixen FL80S refractor (640mm), home bodged 50mm eyepiece, Nikon Coolpix 995 camera w/ zoom set to 17.6mm, exposure was 1/500 @ f3.6. I found it easiest to set the camera to about 5ft and then focus using the telescope focuser. Location: backyard in Greenville, SC.


May 9, 2003 03:47 PM Forum: Off Topic Discussions

Ok, I've had enough

Posted By Joplin Motisher-Chittenden

I am sick and tired of seeing "fluorite" spelled "flourite".
There is a big difference between using a crystal material with superior refractive qualities and using a clay gravel material (for lining aquariums) in a refractor telescope. I realize that it is an easy mistake but nearly 40% of the ads here on Astromart have it spelled wrong. This is flourite:
As you can see it wouldn't make a very good refractor lens :-)

Clear Skies,


May 22, 2003 07:06 PM Forum: Wildlife Photography

May 26, 2003 01:10 PM Forum: Wildlife Photography


Posted By Joplin Motisher-Chittenden

Shot a couple days ago at my aunt's pasture in SC. Coolpix 995 in macro mode.

May 26, 2003 01:13 PM Forum: Wildlife Photography


Posted By Joplin Motisher-Chittenden

Also taken in my aunt's pasture in SC. Coolpix 995 in macro mode.

May 27, 2003 07:49 PM Forum: Birding Optics and Photos

May 28, 2003 08:52 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Anyone heard of a Thomas Viscodyne Fluid Pan Head

Posted By Joplin Motisher-Chittenden

I was looking online for a good fluid head and stumbled upon a "Thomas Viscodyne Fluid Pan Head" made in Los Angeles, Calif. by TA manufacturing corportation. It was cheap so I bought it. It arrived today and I am quite impressed with it - very smooth motions with adjustable friction and excellent machining/ workmanship. It weighs about 4 lbs and the camera mounting plate is 2.5 x 4.5 inches to give an idea of scale. Does anyone know anything about this company or its history ?


May 30, 2003 12:16 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

Re: The best catadioptric telescope

Posted By Joplin Motisher-Chittenden


You should see me stuffing my 10" F6 newtonain into my Honda Civic :-) Ok, I admit it is a wagon although I use that term liberally. I would also consider one of the new split tube Discovery PDHQ's (10" tube splits into two 32" sections) or one of the T-scopes truss models. Then again, I've never seen the inside of a Volkswagen Golf. I'm enough of an astro nut that I won't get a car unless the 10" will fit in it :-)


June 11, 2003 04:56 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Re: Bogen center column

Posted By Joplin Motisher-Chittenden

Using the center column for azimuth motion on the Bogen Tripods (even the older ones) doesn't work well anyway, imho. There is a rubber o-ring that causes sticky motion and the locking system isn't adjustable enough anyway. Most alt-azimuth heads have a built in azimuth motion anyway. If yours doesn't then it wouldn't be that hard to make one from some teflon, laminate, thin plywood and a bit of hardware. Also, there are well made panning adapters made which will provide smooth azimuth motion, you just need to find one without click stops. Hope this helps.
