Image of the day

Captured by
Herb Bubert

Rosette nebula

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Posts Made By: Russ Carroll

September 5, 2011 03:33 AM Forum: Off Topic Discussions

9/11 Images

Posted By Russ Carroll

One of the most moving images I remember from 9/11 was a photo taken of a first responder and his rescue dog sleeping on the sidewalk together after who knows how many hours of trying to find people trapped under all of the rubble. It was broad daylight and there was an incredible amount of activity surrounding them, but they were both oblivious to it due to exhaustion. I wish I could find that photo. May God bless all of the first responders who worked so hard and risked so much to serve us all.

September 6, 2011 06:45 PM Forum: ASTRONOMY

Should have sent Boy Scouts...

Posted By Russ Carroll

What ever happened to "Leave only footprints, take only memories"??? 8)

September 8, 2011 04:53 AM Forum: Sports

AMART Football Pool - Sign up SOON!

Posted By Russ Carroll

I've created a football pool for Astromart forum members. SIgn up at:

The Group ID is 63070 and Password is m42

I am going to use Yahoo Fantasy Football, which I've used in years past and it works great. This means you will need to create an account with Yahoo if you do not already have one.

Each week there will be up to 16 games to Pick from. You will be picking who you think will win each game. Also for each week, you will predict the score of each team playing in the Monday Night Game(s) for Tiebreaker 1. Tiebreaker 2 will be the prediction of the team you think will score the most and fewest points for the week. The tiebreakers will be used to determine the weekly winner in the case people tie for the week. Each pick has to be made 5 minutes before that game starts, with Tiebreaker 2 being picked 5 minutes before the first game of the week.

The regular season starts tonight, so don't get off to a bad start by missing the first game of the year!

PS Apologies to Herb if he hates this.

September 10, 2011 05:36 PM Forum: Politics

The 2nd Most Unlucky Person in the World Dies

Posted By Russ Carroll

The MOST unlucky person in the world is the one who is executed for a crime that they never committed.

September 12, 2011 10:30 PM Forum: Off Topic Discussions

She's no Astronaut in Diapers but...

Posted By Russ Carroll

...beware of a female scorned:

September 13, 2011 06:31 PM Forum: Sports

Week 1 Football Pool Results are in!

Posted By Russ Carroll

Bronze Medal went to.......Eric Gage!
Even conceding the first game of the year, Eric still went 7 and 9. The Doc's Vikings cost him a game, but I do love a loyalist. Congrats, Eric.

Silver Medal: HERB YORK!
The big man himself went a combined 9-7 to finish week one. His Seadogs cost him a game and a share of the lead. Hey, he was amazing at USC...

Gold Medal: Me, thats right, the Russ man himself.
The overall week 1 winner posted a combined win-loss record of 10-6. Thank you to my Lions for stepping it up this week.

Bragging rights for next week are STILL AVAILABLE to any newcomers. It Is EASY AND FUN to sign up and play.

See this post for info and sign up now!

September 13, 2011 09:56 PM Forum: Astro-Physics

AP Recoating

Posted By Russ Carroll


Is it possible to send an AP refractor back to the factory for re-coating of the objective?



September 20, 2011 02:36 AM Forum: Politics

Here you go, Warren...

Posted By Russ Carroll,0,200115.story

Friend... Lets just do this instead of taxing capital gains (which you already have many billions of).

You wanted class got it.....nice.

September 20, 2011 10:44 PM Forum: Sports

Week 2 Pool Results

Posted By Russ Carroll

I didn't come in last place, but I did take 3rd with an overall win-loss of 10-6.

Silver went to Herb York with an 12-4 week. If he hadn't sold his Seahawks out, we would have tied. I would have too, HY.

And the Gold went to the Dr. of determination himself, Eric Gage. The Doc went 13-3, EVEN after being let down by his Vikings. Congrats and nice job!

Sign up for next weeks pool here:

September 21, 2011 06:01 PM Forum: Off Topic Discussions

First LGBT "Dear John" Letters Arrive Overseas

Posted By Russ Carroll

That was fast!,26123/