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Posts Made By: Russ Carroll

July 19, 2011 03:03 AM Forum: Pet Pics

Kodi in His Cast

Posted By Russ Carroll

The poor guy snapped his hind leg jumping up at hose water. The Vet said they call this "Frisbee disease" as they see a lot of dogs with broken legs from catching Frisbees. He needed surgery to put it back together, held in place by pins and a plate. He should fully recover.

He was in incredible pain, and he instinctively bit me when I held him/picked him up. What was so moving to me was that he didn't bite me very hard at all...he's bitten me much harder playing. It is not uncommon for dogs to take a real chunk out of even their owners when this happens apparently.

How do you tell an 11 month old high-energy pup to not move for 8 weeks?

July 19, 2011 03:30 AM Forum: No Holds Barred

Debunking Christian "Urban Legend" #5...

Posted By Russ Carroll

...or the misuse of Proverbs 22:6

July 19, 2011 04:46 PM Forum: Religion

Prov 22:6

Posted By Russ Carroll

From the Amplified Bible, a far better translation from the Hebrew text:

"Train up a child in the way he should go [and in keeping with his individual gift or bent], and when he is old he will not depart from it."

If you have a child that loves and is good at playing the piano, encourage him along those lines. Don't insist on making him a football player because it is your bent.

VERY good parental advice. I can't tell you the number of times I've heard the story "My parents wanted me to be a Doctor, and I changed my major to [XYZ] because I hated it so much.", or the number of kids in football programs I've been part of that just obviously hated the game and were playing for there parents sake, etc.

Encourage your kids down a path they like and are bent towards and they will do that for a lifetime.

July 20, 2011 11:23 PM Forum: Bad to the Bone Autos

Question for Car Enthusiasts

Posted By Russ Carroll

I bought a BMW this year (first time) and I have had to put a quart of oil in it every 5000 miles. The service interval is at 15,000 miles, so I'm thinking I just never went that long between service intervals with my old cars (5000 miles was the interval before), which may be why I have never added a drop of oil to any Lexus I've owned since 1990. The guy at the dealer said it's probably nothing, but they would look at it when I bring it in for it's 15k service.

Does this seem weird to anyone here who knows cars? It seemed odd to me.

July 25, 2011 10:23 PM Forum: My Favorite WIMP.COM or YOUTUBE.COM


Posted By Russ Carroll

Not a video, but still pretty funny.

August 8, 2011 01:52 AM Forum: Religion

The greatest preacher of all times

Posted By Russ Carroll

August 15, 2011 06:59 PM Forum: Investment Discussions

Warren Buffett is a FRAUD

Posted By Russ Carroll

His income appears to be $35'ish million and he says he doesn't pay enough taxes because capital gains are only taxed at 15%. He has a $50+ billion net worth and he holds incredible unrealized profits in long-term holdings that are left untouched.

HEY, Warren, why don't we just institute a property tax on all of your wealth, say 5%, over 1Billion???

He would cry like a little girl if that were proposed.


August 19, 2011 09:37 PM Forum: My Favorite WIMP.COM or YOUTUBE.COM

Something GOOD to end the week on

Posted By Russ Carroll

August 25, 2011 02:29 PM Forum: Politics

Petition to "spread the wealth" around...

Posted By Russ Carroll

August 29, 2011 09:12 PM Forum: Bad to the Bone Autos

Guess This Car

Posted By Russ Carroll

A California Classic!