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Herb Bubert

Rosette nebula

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Posts Made By: Russ Carroll

June 1, 2011 01:50 AM Forum: Politics

Obo Praises Iraq as a Model

Posted By Russ Carroll,0,6605508.story

June 3, 2011 02:19 PM Forum: ASTRONOMY

New Supernova in M51

Posted By Russ Carroll


"AAVSO Special Notice #241

Supernova in M51
June 3, 2011

A new supernova in M51 was discovered by A. Riou and confirmed by several sources, including the Palomar Transient Factory (Silverman et al., ATEL 3398). It is located at
13:30:05.08 +47:10:11.2 J2000
and has a magnitude of about 13.5. Nice images of the supernova can be found at:

PTF also obtained a spectra from Keck, indicating that this is a type II supernova with a relatively blue continuum with P-Cygni profiles in the Balmer series.

This is a unique event, because it occurs in a galaxy that is imaged almost constantly. There must be many photos available that show the rise of this SNe, so the data-mining opportunity is obvious. It is transiting at local twilight and should be observable for northern hemisphere observers for several months.

A new APASS sequence should be uploaded soon. We recommend taking nightly monitoring images in B and V for CCD observers, along with visual estimates, until the supernova is no longer visible.

Here is an excuse to take the 10 millionth image of M51!

June 7, 2011 02:36 PM Forum: Religion


Posted By Russ Carroll


Is it now not possible for dear departed Tom to see new forum posts?


June 7, 2011 11:56 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Deep Sky

AAVSO Call for Pre SN M51 Images

Posted By Russ Carroll

AAVSO Special Notice #243

Pre-SN 2011dh images of M51 requested
June 7, 2011

Iair Arcavi and Avishay Gal-Yam (on behalf of the Palomar Transient
Factory) write:

"[The discovery of SN 2011dh in M51] (see AAVSO Special Notices
#241 ( and
#242 ( is a very
exciting scientific discovery, to which amateurs can further
significantly contribute! We at the Palomar Transient Factory seek
more image data of M51 obtained between May 30 and June 2, 2011.
So, if you have imaged this galaxy using a telescope and a digital
camera, your data may be very useful to this project!

"Helpful data would be:
- images of M51 between 2011 May 30 and June 2
- only if it has an accurate time stamp

"In case such data exist, please send the raw images, specify the
filter(s) used, and if possible also send images of the same field
taken with the same instrument and telescope before May 30, to:

[email protected]

"Your help could be crucial for great scientific discoveries! We
will not use any data without permission, and will of course credit
all useful images. Many thanks."

Coordinates of M51 (NGC 5194): RA 13 29 52.698 Dec +47 11 42.93 (J2000.0)

This AAVSO Special Notice was compiled by Elizabeth O. Waagen.


Information on submitting observations to the AAVSO may be found at:


A Special Notice archive is available at the following URL:

Subscribing and Unsubscribing may be done at the following URL:

June 9, 2011 11:55 PM Forum: No Holds Barred

June 26, 2011 02:34 AM Forum: Sports

Check these padre seats out!

Posted By Russ Carroll

June 28, 2011 02:45 AM Forum: No Holds Barred

July 2, 2011 09:34 PM Forum: Investment Discussions

Don't Short America

Posted By Russ Carroll

There's a reason you don't see people building rafts to escape her shores:

July 7, 2011 02:43 PM Forum: ASTRONOMY

House Subcommittee kills Webb Space Telescope

Posted By Russ Carroll

From a AAS bulletin:

"Along with the proposed termination of the JWST, NASA's overall budget
is proposed to be reduced by $1.6B compared to last year's level and
$1.9B lower than the president's proposed level for NASA."

This is not the way to fiscal stability. To give up so fully the exploration of space is to give up part of who we are. It would be a shame to lose this incredible "Next Generation Hubble", and I certainly hope that this does not become law.

Here is an article on this in Sky and Tel:

July 12, 2011 07:16 PM Forum: Politics

Companies Flee California

Posted By Russ Carroll

Here is how freaking clueless our Government is:

"Later this year, California will set up a new agency that will serve as a focal point for economic development and job creation, he said. Among its goals will be to reverse the perception that California is business-unfriendly."


I have story after story of how bad it is here from my own personal experience. We are expanding in Florida, not California. Why don't these idiots just outlaw poverty and mandate prosperity???