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North American Nebula 9/1/24

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Posts Made By: Louis Busby

March 15, 2007 03:27 AM Forum: AstroMart FAQ


Posted By Louis Busby

Well lacking an appropriate forum, I thought I'd try here to get your feelings about insuring high value items selling on Astromart. The question is: Who should pay for insurance for items being sold on Astromart -- the buyer or the seller?

My personal habit is to assume any insurance costs for items I sell. I do this primarily because if damage or loss results from actions of the shipper, then I would be the one making the claim rather than the buyer. Is this right? Or, should the buyer make the claim if the item arrives damaged or not at all.

What say you?


March 21, 2007 08:44 PM Forum: Equipment Talk


Posted By Louis Busby

I'm looking for opinions on what are the best color corrected barlows currently on the market. I'm currently doing some planetary imaging of Saturn and I'm using a Meade 5X TeleExtender. What I'm finding is a subtle spectral gradient across the Saturn image. The gradient is yellowish on one side and blue on the opposite side, most noticable at the edges. I'm wondering is this just an unavoidable artifact of increased magnification or are there barlows that are better color corrected than others.

I would be interested in hearing from Televue Powermate users and Astro-Physics barlow users.

Also, what are the advantages of the Paracorr if applicable?

Will an APO barlow make a difference or is this just a marketing ploy?

My primary instrument for planetary imaging is a Takahashi TOA 130 and a ToUcam Pro II (840k)

Thanks for your commnets.

March 30, 2007 03:24 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Ring of Fire - Crater Proclus

Posted By Louis Busby

Captured 29 March 2007
Takahashi TOA 130/G-11/ToUcam Pro II
411/1097 - K3ccdTools - PS CS2

April 5, 2007 12:16 AM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Clavius and Tycho

Posted By Louis Busby

This is a simple two frame mosaic of the Clavius complex and the crater Tycho. Each shot consists of 80% of 1500 frames each aligned and stacked with K3CCDTools. Frames were adjusted for contrast and stitched together with Photoshop CS2.

Takahashi TOA 130 on G-11, 2x Barlow and ToUcam Pro II


April 28, 2007 01:24 AM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Deep Sky

M13 in Hercules - 20 April 2007

Posted By Louis Busby

Well, I keep getting better and better with my personal techniques as I gain experience. M-13 is an ol standby that offers good practice. This image was taken with my Takakhashi TOA130 on a G-11. Camera was a SBIG ST2K (xm).
40x60s and aligned and stacked with K3ccdTools, finished in photoshop CS2. grin

May 9, 2007 03:16 AM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System


Posted By Louis Busby

Here's my first attempt at the second planet.

Takahashi TOA130/G-11
ToUcam Pro II + Schuler UV filter and 5x barlow
2047/2047 frames aligned and stacked in K3ccdTools.
Finished in PS CS2
image is enhanced and resized, color corrected for more natural appearance.

Venus was about 15 degrees above the horizon just after sunset on 22 April.

May 26, 2007 03:06 PM Forum: Takahashi

Signature on the TOAs

Posted By Louis Busby

Anyone know the story behing the signatures on the TOAs. I've only seen them in pictures of TOA130s. Don't know if they're on the 150s. I have a TOA130 and it doesn't have a signature.

Scott smile

June 5, 2007 12:36 AM Forum: Takahashi

TOA 130 Focuser Conversion

Posted By Louis Busby

Anyone ever upgrade their TOA 130 2.7" focuser to a TOA 130 4" focuser? I'm assuming it's not too difficult provided you can get the 4" focuser somewhere. Would there be collimation problems? Art, anyone? Bueller?


June 9, 2007 04:18 AM Forum: Landscape Photography

El Capitan, Yosemite

Posted By Louis Busby

One I did a few years back.

Hasselblad 500CM/50mmCF Zeiss Plannar
FP4 w/ K2 filter

June 24, 2007 02:07 PM Forum: Bad to the Bone Autos

I coulda Had a Mewlon 300

Posted By Louis Busby


I got this instead.
