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Posts Made By: Louis Busby

June 18, 2006 01:10 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Need Help -- ToUcam Pro (840K)

Posted By Louis Busby

I have a problem with my ToUcam I can't seem to resolve. After a few captures (lately after just one) the computer tells me there is not enough bandwidth to continue capturing. I have to close down the camera and the ToUcam Vrecord program and reinitiate. I've tried this on two separate laptops with the same result. I think it might be a laptop setting, but which?

thanks for any ideas please.

July 25, 2006 03:34 PM Forum: Takahashi

Eyepiece Preferences

Posted By Louis Busby

I recently received my new TSA102 Super APO. I want to build an eyepiece set for this scope. I currently have a set of Meade 5000 series 60 degree FOV eyepieces. I'm looking for consensus on eyepiece choices to bring out optimum viewing with the TSA. Should I stick with Tak eyepieces? Or, go with something like the Televue Naglers?

Now, the TSA hasn't seen first light yet and I have no experience with the Tak or Televue eyepieces, but your experiences can send me in the right direction.


July 30, 2006 08:23 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Deep Sky

M-27 The most over photographed Nebula in the univ

Posted By Louis Busby

So, I thought I would post an image I took at first light with my TAK TSA102 APO, TOA-35 flattener, 5.5FR and a Meade DSI.
100x54sec, K3CCD Tools (best 80%) & Photoshop
btw, how do you guys get the little thumbnail pic next to your posts?

August 9, 2006 02:21 PM Forum: Takahashi

Tak Scope Optics Servicing

Posted By Louis Busby

Anyone here ever sent their Tak in for servicing of the optics, i.e. Cleaning the objective or repairing scratches in the objective coatings, etc.? If so, who is recommended for the work? Address and phone number appreciated.


August 12, 2006 06:23 PM Forum: Takahashi

Tak Diagonals???

Posted By Louis Busby

Are the Tak diagonals threaded to accept filters? I have both the 2" and 1.25" Tak diagonals and though they look threaded, they don't seem to allow filters to be smoothly screwed on. In otherwords, the filters seem to thread on rather tightly (abnormally so).


August 14, 2006 12:55 AM Forum: Takahashi

Cameras and Barlows???

Posted By Louis Busby

I've been experiementing alot with my new Taks and have noticed that it takes an incredible amount of extention in order to bring a webcam or CCD cam to focus. Same goes for focal reducers and flatteners. Also, I haven't been able to use a barlow at all and achieve anywhere near focus. What's up with that? Can I not use a barlow/telextender with my Taks. For the record, I have a FS60c and a TSA-102.


October 13, 2006 01:47 AM Forum: Takahashi

FS60C H-Alpha Solar Scope

Posted By Louis Busby

Anyone here ever consider or have modified their FS60C to be a H-Alpha solar scope. If so, I'd love the details.

October 22, 2006 10:19 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Uranus First Attempt

Posted By Louis Busby

Here's my first attempt at imaging Uranus. Also happens to be the first time I ever located in my scope.

Meade 10" f10 SCT/Losmandy G-11.
TouCam Pro II 1361/1414
K3CCD Tools

November 20, 2006 01:11 AM Forum: Takahashi

Filters don't fit -- Tak Eyepieces

Posted By Louis Busby

What's up with filters and Tak eyepieces? I have some newly acquired Tak LE eyepieces and my standard 1.25 filters won't fit. I can get them on about a quarter turn and that's it. Are the eyepieces a different thread than the common 1.25 filters. Sure seems so. I had the same issue with trying to get a 2" filter on a Tak 2" diagonal. To look at the eyepieces, there appears to be threads, but they are painted and not shiny like other non-Tak eyepieces. Is the paint preventing screwing on the filters? I don't want to force on a filter if I can help it. I'm sure it will bugger up the filter threads.

Any clue?

November 24, 2006 05:30 PM Forum: Eyepieces

Filters don't fit Tak LE Eyepieces

Posted By Louis Busby

I didn't get a response from the Takahashi Forum, so I'm trying here.

What's up with filters and Tak eyepieces? I have some newly acquired Tak LE eyepieces and my standard 1.25 filters won't fit. I can get them on about a quarter turn and that's it. Are the eyepieces a different thread than the common 1.25 filters. Sure seems so. I had the same issue with trying to get a 2" filter on a Tak 2" diagonal. To look at the eyepieces, there appears to be threads, but they are painted and not shiny like other non-Tak eyepieces. Is the paint preventing screwing on the filters? I don't want to force on a filter if I can help it. I'm sure it will bugger up the filter threads.

Any clue?