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Posts Made By: Daniel Sinotte

May 27, 2008 04:26 AM Forum: Maksutovs

collimating 7" Meade Mak

Posted By Daniel Sinotte

Does anyone know how this is an amateure...a very mechanical amateure?

May 29, 2008 07:27 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Standard 12V plug - need to identify for elect. st

Posted By Daniel Sinotte

I'm gonna buy some male and female jacks, but I don't have any astro equipment with me today while in the neighborhood of the electronics supply house...soooo, I need to identify the standard 12V jack that most astronomy equipment is powered by. I'm not talking bout the cigarette lighter jack, but the little 1/4" plug/socket. I've seen a male plug that didn't fit because the tiny center post/hole was mis-sized so it's a very specific match (with 2 different dimentions to tend to). Have I said it?...oye vey...Thanks!

June 15, 2008 08:58 PM Forum: Maksutovs

Making the most of the Meade 7" MAK article

Posted By Daniel Sinotte

Nice article. I like the 'soup to nuts' scope of your recommendations list. It's very cool for me to have an avid enthusiast out there, exploring, experimenting, modifying, and reporting...all for my personal benefit. Thank you!

August 5, 2008 04:19 AM Forum: Beginning Astronomy?

Focal length and atmosphere

Posted By Daniel Sinotte

I'm looking for an explanation that really reveals to my pea brain why a long focal length telescope will be more challenged in poor seeing. Maybe an article that lays it out...maybe someone here can say it... :S

August 17, 2008 11:30 PM Forum: Eyepieces

Difference between Type 4, 5 and 6 Naglers?

Posted By Daniel Sinotte

I read a bit at the TV site...didn't come away with a very solid impression. What's the conventional wisdom in the community on this question?
I'm currently using two long FL telescopes (a C11 and a 7" Meade Mak)...currently. And a nice binoviewer. -Daniel

August 6, 2008 01:35 AM Forum: Beginning Astronomy?

Focal length and atmosphere

Posted By Daniel Sinotte

So what I'm hearing here is that two scopes of equal aperature set up for the same magnification, both focused accurately, differing only in focal length will NOT have a different presentation of the turbulence in the atmosphere. Ya? Y'all agree with that statement?

August 6, 2008 04:28 AM Forum: Beginning Astronomy?

Focal length and atmosphere

Posted By Daniel Sinotte

Complex stuff...more reading necessary now! Thanks for yer contributions.

September 3, 2008 05:56 AM Forum: Maksutovs

Removing the internal counterweight from a Meade M

Posted By Daniel Sinotte

Anyone know where this article is? I'm itching to get that counterweight outta there.

December 23, 2008 12:54 AM Forum: Maksutovs

Meade 7 inch mods

Posted By Daniel Sinotte

This is the article dated 6/4/08, ya?