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Posts Made By: Dave Erickson

August 4, 2015 03:15 AM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Deep Sky

Color Shockwave SNR G065.3+05.7

Posted By Dave Erickson

I think this representation of the data displays an old very dim SNR shock wave in a Hydrogen cloud. This is Super Nova Remnant G065.3_05.7 to the west of the veil nebula very close to the border of Lyra. This image is centered at RA=19h 33m 36s and DEC= '+31deg 12' 02". Parts of this SNR have designations in the Sharpless catalog with identifiers Sh2-91, Sh2-94, Sh2-96. This object is large at roughly 4degX5deg. The image is a single field of view with multiple sub-frames taken over several nights during the months of May thru July 2015. All imaging was done by remote control. Color is mapped OIII, HAlpha and SII narrow band...

September 10, 2015 03:46 PM Forum: Telescope Making

16" F/3.5 Astrograph Project

Posted By Dave Erickson

I had the good fortune, I think, of having a 16" F/3 Newtonian OTA made available. These kinds of events change everything. I have nearly completed a 12.5" F/7 field corrected Schmidt Cassegrain, this project is now on indefinite hold. I'll be building a 16" F/3.5 corrected Newtonian instead.

I received the first element of the correction system yesterday a 16.5"diameter NBK7 blank for the front objective element.

I'll post construction notes and photos during its construction if there is interest... Dave

September 16, 2015 09:08 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Deep Sky

Super Nova Remnant G082.2+05.3 and H-alpha Cloud W

Posted By Dave Erickson

Image center
RA = 20 19 34.9
DEC= +45 32 26.3

Hydrogen Alpha, Nitrogen II, and Oxygen III filiments from Super Nova G082.2+05.3 David Green's Catalog.

This is processed to highlight shockwaves from SNR's.

I count 5 nearly complete shock spheres from SNR's in this image.

Included is the subject of the image, a nearly spherical OIII shell for SNR G082.2+05.3 previously reported as spectral signatures and a "Radio Shell in the Cygnus X Complex". The OIII filaments size closely matches the radio signature of 95X65 minutes and is in the correct location. It is the bluish circle near the center of the image and is about 1/3 the horizontal image axis in diameter.

The image is about 240h X 360v minutes of arc in size.

October 15, 2015 02:12 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Deep Sky

Sh2-224 and Super Nova Remnant G166.2+02.02

Posted By Dave Erickson

Sh2-224 and Super Nova Remnant G166.2+02.02 HAlpha.

RA = 05 21 15.0
DEC= +40 30 00.8

September 2015

October 26, 2015 02:35 AM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Deep Sky

NGC7822, G116.5+01.1, G116.9+00.2, Sh2-170, Sh2-1

Posted By Dave Erickson

NGC7822, G116.5+01.1, G116.9+00.2, Sh2-170,Sh2-175
OBJCTRA '00 13 12.6'
OBJCTDEC '+63 01 59.6'

(31) subframes at 1200 seconds Narrow band using a home made 300mm focus F/4 astrograph. Remote controlled imaging over three nights September 18, 19, 20, 2015

November 24, 2015 06:26 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Deep Sky

Two Popular Objects with a little known Super Nova

Posted By Dave Erickson

I finally had a chance to retrieve data from the remote observatory. Yes it is remote enough where I need to travel 3.5 hours one way to download data...

Super Nova Remnant SNR-Green G205.5+00.5 is nestled between the cone nebula Sh2-273-NGC2264 and the Rosette Nebula Sh2-274-NCG2237. The SNR G205.5+00.5 is at RA: 06h 39m 00s Dec: +06° 30' 00" in the Constellation of Monoceros.

SNR G205.5+0.5 is a large shell-type supernova remnant located in the Rosette Complex region. It is suggested that its interaction has triggered some star formation within the Rosette Nebula. This SNR is faint and large, at more than 3.5 degrees in diameter, thats 7 full moons across.

November 27, 2015 11:01 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Deep Sky


Posted By Dave Erickson

California Nebula NGC1499 Monochrome. Wide field approximate 4X6 degrees Field of View under Dark Skies 21.9 mag/ arc second...

November 28, 2015 08:41 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Deep Sky

Super Nova Remnant G160.9 +02.6 or HB9

Posted By Dave Erickson

Super Nova Remnant G160.9 +02.6, or HB9 estimated to be less than 4 kpc distant and expanding at an estimated 18km/sec.

Sh2-217 and Sh2-219 are adjacent and to the North of the SNR.

Barnard 25 LDN1465 are in the emission nebula near the center of the image. Sh2-217 and Sh2-219 are 5.2kpc and 4.2 kpc distant.

Sh2-216 is the larger emission nebula near the top of the image. Alse designated as LBN 744 and LBN745

To the right or south of G160.9 +02.6 is LD1475, 76, 77, 80 VDB32 a clear absence of stars and a significantly large H-Alpha emission nebula covering the same area, near its center is the bright star Almaaz-Epsilon Aurigae.

Image is centered at
RA = 04 54 56.8
DEC= +46 38 15.0

December 7, 2015 03:36 AM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Deep Sky

FlamingStar and Tadpoles IC405 IC410

Posted By Dave Erickson

In the constellation of Auriga are some wonderful clusters and nebulae. This view looks along the galactic plane, near the direction of the galactic anticenter. This is a single 1200 second subframe using Hydrogen Alpha data and covers more than 12 Full Moons (6 degrees) on the sky with North to the left.

The field includes emission region Sh2-227 top left, IC 405 (top center) about 1,500 light-years distant. Also known as the Flaming Star Nebula, its Hydrogen Alpha convoluted clouds of glowing hydrogen gas are energized by hot O-type star AE Aurigae. Slightly to the below is M38.

IC 410 (below center slightly right) is significantly more distant, some 12,000 light-years away. The star forming region is famous for its embedded young star cluster, NGC 1893, and tadpole-shaped clouds of dust and gas. IC 417 and NGC 1931 at the lower right.

To the Bottom center are Sh2 232,LBN 805,LDN 1525, Sh2 231,LBN 803, LBN 802, Sh2 235, LBN 808, LBN797.

December 21, 2015 12:01 AM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Deep Sky

NGC1499 California Nebula

Posted By Dave Erickson

California Nebula NGC1499 November 2015. A little different rendition to bring out the background dust cloud and OIII emission...
OIII, HAlpha, Sloan Yellow Filters used