Image of the day

Captured by
Jay Messeroff

North America + Pelican Nebulae

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Posts Made By: Jeff Blazey

June 24, 2010 04:36 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Scratching the Imaging Itch

Posted By Jeff Blazey

I'm really getting the itch to do solar system object imaging but I'm a complete neophyte.

I see a lot of people use the DMK series of cameras but I've no idea what else is needed for a complete setup/configuration.

Anybody care to share with me or point to a thread for solar system imaging 101?

Thanks in advance.


September 1, 2010 01:14 PM Forum: Solar System Observing

Uranus close to Jupiter

Posted By Jeff Blazey

While observing Jupiter last night I decided to see if I could track down Uranus. I noticed their rise-times were only about 10-15 minutes apart so in the 8X50 finder I looked for a fairly bright blue/green star a few degrees away in RA from Jupiter.

Presto! The very first star I tried was Uranus, an obvious pale blue & green disk at ~165X.



September 23, 2010 12:37 PM Forum: Solar System Observing

Happy Neptune Day!

Posted By Jeff Blazey

This day (evening really) in 1846 Neptune was discovered. The events leading up to its discovery make for a bit of fine drama.

Happy Neptune Day!


October 2, 2010 04:34 PM Forum: Solar System Observing

Jupiter Moon Dance Last Night

Posted By Jeff Blazey

The sky around here last nigh was really rather clear & stable allowing Jupiter to really shine...pun intended.

The moons were putting on a real show at around 8:00 to 11:00 PM eastern US time. One was transiting the planets face, casting a shadow, while the other was maybe 40-50 seconds off of the limb, midway between a pole and the equator. There was a very pronounced 3D effect with the off-limb moon and planet when using the binoviewer. It got even more 3D looking when the transiting moon started to emerge from Jupiters face and stand against space. And just as the one moon was exiting transit, the shadow of the other moon started to appear as a little bite mark right at the top (bottom?) of the planets pole. The whole thing was thrilling actually.

Another thing I've noticed, especially last year when the view from here was along the plane of Jupiters moons orbit, is the moons disks are more distinctly circular when they are close together. Interesting visual effect.


October 2, 2010 04:45 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

I want to get started

Posted By Jeff Blazey

I really want to start doing color planetary imaging but I'm a complete neophyte.

The only thing I've zeroed in on is an Imagingsource DFK 21 or 31 color camera.

So I need help with defining which model and what computer hardware/software & cabling are needed to capture the images and then post process them.

So I'm looking for recommendations and how-to's.



February 6, 2011 11:40 PM Forum: Mounts

King Kong has Arrived

Posted By Jeff Blazey

This suck'ah is BIG. But beautiful. Joe at Parallax does nice work.

November 16, 2011 07:55 PM Forum: Refractors


Posted By Jeff Blazey

A very large truck with no unfocused color

November 23, 2011 06:45 PM Forum: Mounts

Re: Any decent mounts for around 1000 dollars

Posted By Jeff Blazey

On the used market, I recommend a Losmandy G8.

Not a toy by any means, rather, a high precision instrument that you'll enjoy for many years, with a ton of after market support and upgrades.

And they look really cool too.


December 6, 2011 04:29 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

Appraiser Needed

Posted By Jeff Blazey

I'm donating my large refractor and mount to our local Astronomy Society and need an appraisal as to its value. IRS seems to like people who have an appraisal certification of some kind.

Can anybody please provide me with a contact for someone who deals or is familiar with appraisal of astronomical equipment?


January 18, 2012 01:30 AM Forum: Prayer Line

My Wife

Posted By Jeff Blazey

Please pray for my wife Rachel whose undergoing treatment for stage IV melanoma.

Also pray that I may be strong and take good care of her.
