Posts Made By: Jeff Blazey

September 17, 2009 07:20 PM Forum: Digital SLR AstroPhotography


Posted By Jeff Blazey

My goodness, that's a nice picture. Thanks!

October 14, 2009 11:39 AM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System


Posted By Jeff Blazey

Very pretty!!

This is just the type of stuff that makes me think seriously about getting into solar system imaging.


October 24, 2009 02:06 PM Forum: Audio

What audio equipment do you own?

Posted By Jeff Blazey

You've got great taste there Larry. I particular like the Vienna Acoustics line.

With my hearing taking a dive the last few years I've pretty much retired my system. A painful process as high end audio and astro stuff have been my primary gearhead hobbies for the last 30 years.

Currently running Muse Model 10 DVD players digital out to my Tact TCS which divides the signal up for bass midrange and treble with each signal going to individual Tact amps which ends up tri-amping my modified Apogee Studio Grands. But I'm going to have to start selling this stuff off. sad


October 31, 2009 02:01 AM Forum: Astro-Physics

November 5, 2009 08:45 PM Forum: Refractors

Are refractor guys out to lunch???

Posted By Jeff Blazey

Owning a bunch of refractors of various sizes, designs and vintages, I can say with complete authority that I'm NOT out lunch...but I do walk to work.

November 6, 2009 08:24 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

HGM Titan vs. CGE Pro

Posted By Jeff Blazey

As Yoda said "There is another"

A bit more expensive but a bit more robust as well.

Also, don't forget Mountain Instruments M250


November 24, 2009 02:29 PM Forum: Refractors


Posted By Jeff Blazey

That's very, very nice.

So just what IS the attraction/addiction for large achromats?


November 24, 2009 02:33 PM Forum: Telescope Making

Stuffing behind secondary mirror...

Posted By Jeff Blazey

I'm surprised nobody has questioned if you really want to insulate the cavity behind the secondary. Heat retention and all that.


December 10, 2009 05:18 PM Forum: Global Warming - REAL or NOT

Cook this data

Posted By Jeff Blazey


This is easy. Just throw out as non-representative the data that won't fit the model you're pushing and as Hugh says slide the predicted curve to the right a bit. Then connect the two, enlarge the transition to show an extreme slope, hold a press conference sounding the alarm, apply for hundreds of millions of dollars to study the dire effects and finally call Al Gore.

December 11, 2009 12:11 PM Forum: Refractors

Another Long Focal Length Refrector

Posted By Jeff Blazey

So who says the over 120 crowd doesn't look fabulous!

Classic good looks and proportion.

Great job