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Posts Made By: Mike Clemens

June 7, 2002 06:58 AM Forum: APM

Re: TMB 100/800 Vixen question

Posted By Mike Clemens

I had my TMB Vixen listed for a few days, I pulled the ad tonight since I dont have time to respond to peoples emails for a couple days.

The focuser and tube quality is best called "OK" -- it doesnt play in the same league as the TMB CNC tubes, (or the AP tubes or Takahashi tubes). But, it's definitely better constructed than the cheap Chinese Synta scopes.

I think the Vixen tube is closest in design to a "cheap-Takahashi-clone": 1) it has a threaded lens ring which screws onto the OTA tube 2)the dew shield threads onto the lens ring, 3) the focuser is cast aluminum. However, the Takahashi tubes are executed much finer, and have a definitive sense of high quality about them.

Basically, you buy the Vixen based TMB to save a bundle of money, but still get the killer optics in an OK tube.

I have owned a CNC TMB, and I've owned an AP130 f/6, and I can say those tube assemblies are great, you can be proud of them. But this Vixen tubed TMB has always pleased me as well, as its cost-to-performance ratio is the best I've found.

June 12, 2002 06:25 PM Forum: APM

Vixen Tubed TMB100/8

Posted By Mike Clemens

Here was my solar setup (now sold) with the Vixen tubed TMB.

You can see the balance point on the Vixen is nice, and that a single 7# Casady weight on the GM8 is adequate. You can also see how far the drawtube is extended for bringing a 22 Nagler to focus with a Maxbright diagonal. (Very close to the scope!) I imagine that a 31 Nagler would just about have the drawtube fully racked in.

Now that the 100/8 is sold, I'll spend my time with a Celestron ST80 until all the parts for my TMB 130 f/6 come in.


October 16, 2002 06:37 PM Forum: Star Parties

ALASKA Star Parties

Posted By Mike Clemens


Every first and third Friday of the month this Winter, except Jan 3. There is a short astronomy presentation (1 hour?), followed by hours of observing. Last year there was commonly a 13" and 16" dob and several 4 - 5" refractors present.

10/18 - Mars
11/1 - Galaxies
11/15 - Leonids
12/6 - Geminids
12/20 - Aurora
1/17 - Telescopes and Telescope Making
2/7 - Moon
2/21 - Milky Way
3/7 - Stars of Spring
3/21 - Saturn
4/4 - Meteorites
4/18 - Comets

Write [email protected] for more info.

March 21, 2003 10:11 AM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Not a composite image!

Posted By Mike Clemens

The CTIO 4 meter Blanco telescope, silhouetted against the Magellanic Clouds (at left) and the Milky Way, as seen from Cerro Tololo in Chile. This is not a composite image. It was taken by Roger Smith using a 2048x2048 scientific CCD which has much higher sensitivity than photographic film, revealing greater detail in exposures short enough (20 seconds) to eliminate star trails. The CCD, normally used on the telescope pictured, was temporarily mated to a Zeiss Distagon 40 mm f/4 lens by a "camera body" made in house. The only source of illumination is starlight.

Minimum credit line: Roger Smith/NOAO/AURA/NSF

April 17, 2003 05:44 PM Forum: Wildlife Photography

May 8, 2003 08:07 AM Forum: Wildlife Photography

from Victoria, BC

Posted By Mike Clemens

We had just caught the ferry up from Anacortes.

May 23, 2003 10:44 PM Forum: Meade

Meade Refractor Question

Posted By Mike Clemens

Does anyone know, does the 6" Meade APO have a 6" outer diameter tube? Thanks

June 3, 2003 07:47 PM Forum: Investment Discussions

Martha Stewart Omnimedia

Posted By Mike Clemens

Dont those black robes that judges wear complement these yellow legal pads nicely?

July 15, 2003 09:01 AM Forum: Eyepieces

TMB Super Monocentrics

Posted By Mike Clemens

According to posts in the TMB egroups, Markus Ludes now has possession of 400 pc of the new TMB eyepieces, and they are going out today to Thomas Back.

July 16, 2003 08:16 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

MEADE AR6 question

Posted By Mike Clemens

Can someone tell me the tube O.D. and dewshield O.D. of the new 6" Meade achromatic refractors?

Mike C