Posts Made By: Chuck Burton

November 13, 2005 04:34 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Older C-11 and C-14 Fork Mounts

Posted By Chuck Burton

Hi - Does anyone know if an older style C-14 drive base and fork assembly will mount on a C-11 tripod and wedge? Or are they totally different. Thanks for any information!

- Chuck

November 19, 2005 10:31 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

SCT Eyepieces - Long EFL or Rich Field Adapter?-

Posted By Chuck Burton

Hi - I'm switching from a 16" f/5 Newt to a C-14 f/11. Does anyone here have an opinion about different eyepiece configurations for wide field/deep-sky observing? For example, would I get better results observing faint, extended objects if I used a Lumicon Rich Field Viewer and a 15mm eyepiece vs. using a 30mm eyepiece without the Lumicon adapter?

Also, I've read a number of reviews on various eyepieces here on AstroMart. But, most of them were done with smaller SCTs or refractors. Does anyone here have experience using wide field/long EFL eyepieces from William Optics, Russell Optics, GSO, or OWL? I can't afford to get "Nager-ized" right now. Thanks for any advice! - Chuck

November 25, 2005 12:43 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

User Manual for Older C-14

Posted By Chuck Burton

Hi -

I recently acquired an older fork-mounted, black tube C-14. Does anyone here know where I might purchase or D/L a user manual for this old scope? Thanks! - Chuck

December 15, 2005 03:17 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

Drive Gears by Aeroquest Machining

Posted By Chuck Burton

Anyone here have a mount with drive gears by Aeroquest Machining? Here's their web address:

I wanted to do a Byers gear, but they're no longer made or too expensive. Aeroquest offers complete drives for very reasonable prices. They claim 5 arcsecond accuracy. If you have any experience with their product, I'd love to hear from you! Thanks - Chuck

December 21, 2005 05:49 AM Forum: Eyepieces

Nagler vs. ?? for f/11 SCT

Posted By Chuck Burton

Hi - I'm a long-time user of fast Newts. Recently sold off a 16" f/4.5 an got an older C-14. [A transportation and setup issue]. I used Naglers and MegaVistas with great results on the 16". Very wide fields with little or no coma almost out to the edge. Cheaper wide field eyepieces all had terrible performance on star images with the 16". So now with this C-14 working at f/11 [and f/7 with a reducer] what do you all think about the need to stay with Nagler eyepieces? Will the longer focal length C-14 scope perform just as well with GSO or other so-called wide field eyepieces? TIA for your thoughts. - Chuck

December 26, 2005 07:45 PM Forum: Eyepieces

Lumicon O-III vs. Other Brands

Posted By Chuck Burton

Hi - I've got an old 1 -1/4" Lumicon Oxygen III filter I originally purchased new in the 80's. Still a great performer but I need to go to the 48mm or SCT version since I've moved to mostly 2" EPs. In the 80's Lumicon was the sole source for these filters. Now TeleVue, Celestron, and others are marketing "O-III's." There's a big price difference - and yeah, I know, "you get what you pay for." But has anyone here had the opportunity to compare the Celestron O-III with the Lumicon or TeleVue? Or others? TIA for any info! - Chuck

January 11, 2006 05:00 AM Forum: Eyepieces

The Perfect Eyepiece Spread for a C-14?

Posted By Chuck Burton


My head's spinning from reading the hype (and anti-hype) about various brands and designs of EPs. I've tried out a number of expensive and "bargain-priced" EPs and decided that Panoptics or Naglers would be best for me.

Since EP performance is affected by the design of the scope and I have a C-14, I'd like to get some feedback from folks with 10" and larger SCTs. Many of the eyepiece reviews I've read were written by folks using fast Newts, small refractors or smaller reflectors. It's great to read that stuff, but I've found that my mileage "varies." That said, the budget IS an issue if I want to remain married.

For planets, my old orthos and Plossls will work fine. Deep sky observing dominates my interest, so the EP purchase is mostly for that type of observing. If I were to buy two EPs, a Barlow, and maybe a focal reducer for my C-14, what "set" of EPs would give me the most versatility (from a magnification standpoint) without overlap? Or do these EPs not work well with Barlows and focal reducers? I'm thinking of going Panoptic, but a Nagler with a fair amount of eye relief would be considered. Or, is "Nagler" and "long eye relief" an oxy-moron? Thanks for any ideas!

- Chuck

January 22, 2006 06:13 PM Forum: Eyepieces

Illuminated Reticle Eyepieces

Posted By Chuck Burton

I need an illuminated reticle eyepiece for my recently acquired 12X80 finderscope. The finder takes 1.25" eyepieces, but all I can find are 12mm (and shorter f.l.) reticle eyepieces. I can't seem to locate an illuminated reticle eyepiece that's 20 - 25mm. Anyone here know where I can find one? TIA for any referrals! - Chuck

January 29, 2006 08:19 PM Forum: Eyepieces

30mm EPs and C-14

Posted By Chuck Burton

Hi - I'm back here again - this time with some information to share and with more questions! I picked up a Pan 35, Pan 27, TV Big Barlow, and the Interface Lens to work with my C-14. (Thank the stars for AstroMart!) I also have a 30mm 1rpd, Meade 40mm SWA, GSO 42mm, and a couple of older Meade Research Grade Erfles that I thought I'd compare against each other. I have a Lumicon Giant EZ Guider with the focal reducer lens that takes the scope down to about f/5.5. So, I tried the EPs out on the C-14 last night, straight through at f/11, then using the FR, and finally with the TV Barlow. To keep information overload under control, I concentrated on looking at faint extensions in M42, the star cluster M46 and its associated planetary nebula, NGC2438. Here's what I found:

1. Using the Pans, star images were pinpoints across the entire field at f/22 and f/11. The images were a bit soft near the edge of the field at f/5.5. Contrast was excellent - best of all the EPs I used. There was a pronounced "3-D effect" of the nebula standing out in relief against the sky using the Pans. This effect was not as dramatic with any of the other EPs. The 65-degree AFOV was pleasing and I could see almost all of it with my glasses on. On the downside - found myself having to hold extremely still to avoid "blackouts." This was particularly bothersome on the 35mm, less so with the 27mm. Field distortion was quite pronounced as well - enough to bother me. I could see fainter stars with the 30mm 1rpd. I tried this several times to be sure.

2. The 30mm 1rpd with its 80-degree AFOV has almost exactly the same TFOV as the GSO 42mm! Plus, it's sharper and contrastier. Which leads to the obvious question.
The 30mm 1rpd was excellent at f/22. The Pan had sharper stars to the very edge of the field, but the 1rpd was close. The wider AFOV, coupled with the much more forgiving "head positioning," made the 1rpd very pleasant to use. The 1rpd was very good at f/11, although the gap in edge performance between the Pans and the 1rpd widened in favor of the Pans. At f/5.5, the 1rpd fell apart with soft star images becoming bothersome less than halfway across the FOV. The 1rpd outperformed the Meade 40mm SWA at f/5.5, however.

3. The Meade RG Erfles - that I've owned since the 80's, both showed a lot of distortion and some field curvature at f/11 - something I never noticed when using them in my old 16" Newt. Perhaps that's an artifact of the SCT optical design. As a result, I did not test them at f/5.5 or f/22.

Result: The 30mm 1rpd is a "keeper." So is the 27mm Pan. The 40mm Meade and the 42mm GSO will get traded off. The jury's still out on the 35mm Pan. I can use it, and it performs well, but I do a lot of public programs and I think the "astronomically-uninitiated" would have a hard time looking through it.

This is all subjective, of course. Your mileage may vary. The cool thing is, I was able to use a single scope, in mutiple configurations, to at least maintain some consistency as I tested these EPs at various f/ ratios. I also like the concept of having a total arsenal of 3 EPs that all work well with a Barlow and a Focal Reducer. That way, it's like having NINE EPs!

Can anyone here steer me toward a 35mm + eyepiece that has a wide, flat field, good eye relief etc.? Thanks! - Chuck

The GSO performed fairly well at f/22 and f/11, but

1. Eye relief on the Pans was good, but IContrast was excellentthe Pan 35

February 17, 2006 01:37 AM Forum: Eyepieces

Best Nagler Between 12mm and 26mm?

Posted By Chuck Burton

I have a C-14 and need to fill in the gap between my 12mm and 26mm Naglers. I can afford ONE more. What do you think - 17mm? 20mm? Any reason to prefer one over the other in terms of eye relief, "kidney bean," etc. Thanks for your advice! - Chuck