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Sh2-157 The lobster claw nebula

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Posts Made By: Lee Spain

March 25, 2012 03:17 AM Forum: Politics

CEA CEO on Obama: Most Anti-Business Pres. Ever

Posted By Lee Spain

That's probably true. But, if businesses lay off tens of thousands of workers to replace them with Chinese and Indian workforces, does that them anti-American?

March 28, 2012 02:58 AM Forum: Politics

America's Number 1 Foe?

Posted By Lee Spain

Mitt says a few things that concern me from time-to-time as he tries to "out-conservative" his competitors. I'd rank foe as something like --

Foe = Radical Islam / Iran / North Korea
Competitor = India / China
Concern = Russia / Venezuela / OPEC

March 30, 2012 01:35 AM Forum: Politics

Romney Laughs about layoffs.

Posted By Lee Spain

This is a very real concern about Romney. Personally, I don't have any sympathy for the ultra-wealthy who maximize their wealth by minimizing mine. But, I do recognize that it is the private sector that invests and hires and generates wealth. Obama doesn't seem to know how to energize the private sector and job growth either. It's a scary time to be middle class.

April 5, 2012 02:12 AM Forum: Politics

We don't need no stinking Supreme Court..

Posted By Lee Spain

If they would have known what was in it, BEFORE that voted for it, this might not have happened. wink

But, as my grandmother-in-law used to say -- "Those who don't listen have to feel."

April 9, 2012 04:45 AM Forum: Religion

From a scientific point of view question?

Posted By Lee Spain

A. Alien Spacecraft - this was all covered by "In Search Of" back in 1978 . . . wink
B. It is generally accepted that Gods can fly, levitate, teleport, etc. as needed to perform their duties.
C. If physics can posit wormholes, twists in space and time, parallel universes, additional dimensions, and dark matter, beings we perceive as deities may be able to use these phenomena.

Theologically, the Fourth Quarter Christian Church of Gainesville is focused on more practical and important questions--like "Why is God punishing the Gators?" and "When does Tebow become King of America?" However, ultimately, these "how" questions would all be filed under "Mysteries of Faith" by more serious Christian denominations.

April 9, 2012 04:57 AM Forum: Wildlife Photography


Posted By Lee Spain

Later in the afternoon, we took our dog to the park and encountered this guy. Apparently, he was once a member of Squirrel Team 6. He made it clear that if he wasn't a little squirrel he'd come down and kick our butts.

April 9, 2012 05:03 AM Forum: Birding Optics and Photos


Posted By Lee Spain

I think he is either a Downy Woodpecker ( or a Hairy Woodpecker (

April 11, 2012 01:57 AM Forum: Religion

Pope Speaks On Light Pollution

Posted By Lee Spain

Yeah, he often participates in our politics and no holds barred forums, too. wink

April 16, 2012 06:35 AM Forum: Politics

US Turns Profit From Bailouts

Posted By Lee Spain

If you or I are hard up for cash, the banks would make life rough. They should have paid back the loans at 27% interest and had to send every American $29.00 each month for being over their credit limit until the loan was paid off. It should have taken them an average of 21 years. wink

April 17, 2012 04:09 AM Forum: Politics

Another Bounty

Posted By Lee Spain

In the interest of fairness, I think Lord Muslim Dude was making a rhetorical statement and NOT actually offering a bounty.

That being said the fact that Great Britain even has a Lord Ahmed is ridiculous. As Westerners, we need to have more respect for all the hard work that Charles Martel did at the Battle of Tours on our behalf. :S