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Posts Made By: Steven Lynn

January 15, 2005 06:52 AM Forum: Celestron

c8 i

Posted By Steven Lynn

Yes, I would like to hear the answer to your first paragraph. It sounds like about the best trade off so far of weight/aperature.

As for the barely usable accessories they bundle things with, I'm betting that the big 2 have learned that they are selling to people who want it all in one package at a price, and the people who want quality all around don't buy packages--they probably already have some decent eyepieces.

May 8, 2005 09:16 AM Forum: TeleVue

a permanent pier and equatorial mount for a tv85

Posted By Steven Lynn

Hi James,
I just acquired a Vixen GP and have had one wonderful night with my TV-85 on it. (Dang clouds! Out ! Out!). It is a. rock solid with a 4mm eyepiece, b. tracking with a turn of a knob c. light weight, quick and easy to set up. The earlier Super-Polaris
should also work well with a scope this size. My Panoramic mount is being sold! The clones and semi-clones from the usual sorces have a shakey reputation for problems. Not a deal killer but I held out for a GP.

Considering the price differential vis Losmandy, I wouldn't see a need for anything 'better' than the GP unless I was going into photography.

Check reviews on Cloudynights. Each mount has its' quirks, such as issues with clutches and motors. After investigating the Losmandys I'm wary that they wouldn't be a good fit for me.

BTW, If buying used inquire about bent shafts. If you are only going manual you may find a bargain with a minor bent shaft, but be careful as they usually get bent from falling over. If thinking about installing motors or esp. imaging avoid a bent shaft like the plague.

June 16, 2005 05:58 AM Forum: Eyepieces

f5 scope-1.25" wide field eyepieces

Posted By Steven Lynn

I've been enjoying the recommendations and discussion. Thanks, and don't feel the need to stop.

July 12, 2005 02:16 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

Pier vs tripod

Posted By Steven Lynn

Thanks for all your comments.

July 15, 2005 10:56 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Small multi-use refractor questions

Posted By Steven Lynn

I agree with the skip-the-finder advice, at least for now. Spend that money instead toward a wider angle eyepiece around 30mm. Even a decent plossl will give moderately wide views, wide enough to find things.

I have a TV-85 with one of their little 1x finders and I haven't replaced the battery in years. (Maybe I should sell it. Anyone interesed?) Learning to star hop is easy to learn, and a useful skill, even if goto is down the road.

For a similiar price as the Orion AZ mount, you can get a used vintage japanese equatorial mount on the astromart classifieds. It may take a few weeks but they show up. Eventually a better mount will become desirable.

September 14, 2005 12:55 AM Forum: Astro Binoculars

Eye relief on SV 15 x 63?

Posted By Steven Lynn

John Wilson said:

Are there any folks out there who could tell us whether it's possible to see the entire field of view using glasses?

Hi John,

I took my SV 15 x 63's out to test for this. They are marked "Long Eye Relief." I checked it on a tree bare eyed and then with glasses. I was able to see everything with glasses that I could without. My glasses were pressed lightly against the fold down eyecups.

Thank you for asking this. I almost always view bare eyed but now I know I could use these binocs with my glasses.

Addendum to prior post. I had reported that the focusing on these is fairly tight. Today they were not tight, but set just right. Maybe it's the 75 F vs 50 F.

October 27, 2005 10:09 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

November 23, 2005 06:13 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

TV-102 + Telepod Head + Bogen 3068: a highly porta

Posted By Steven Lynn

"Someone suggested I use the TV Equalizer"

I used one with my TV-85 on a TeleVue Panoramic mount. Works! With the longer tube of the 102 it may be needed even more.

February 4, 2006 04:20 AM Forum: Astro Binoculars

Filtered Binoculars - any good?

Posted By Steven Lynn

I briefly checked out a pair of Apogees. I can't remember if they were 10x50 or 7x50 or?
Briefly, these had nebula filters. They would make finding nebula regions easier. But, overall you had a relatively inexpensive binocular combined with a relatively inexpensive filter with a mechanism for sliding the filter in-and out.

The binoculars weren't bad, but for the price could get better binoculars.

February 5, 2006 04:58 AM Forum: Off Topic Discussions

A long rant about copywrights and free source....

Posted By Steven Lynn

Hugh Peck said:

Hi Steven,

I thought it was:

"Here I am with a brain the size of a planet. . ." grin


LOL! Sorry, I'm distracted by 'this horrible pain in all the diodes on my left side...'