Posts Made By: Rod Kaufman

September 28, 2004 03:50 AM Forum: Politics

The winner of the debates is:

Posted By Rod Kaufman

Well, my wife reinerated a news story today about an interview with a speech professor and his expectations for a victor in the upcomming debates. Basically, he said the winner will not be decided by his debating skills but by the ability of the speaker to express his ideas in a simplistic, folksy manner. A speaking style, that for all intents and purposes, any moron could relate to and we all know who that speaker is going to be...

September 29, 2004 12:33 AM Forum: Politics

Bush's Hometown Paper Endorses Kerry

Posted By Rod Kaufman

In an embarrassment to Bush, his hometown Texas newspaper has endorsed Kerry for president. In this republican mecca of the west,a Texas newspaper has it's own tongue. I don't recall the name but it's probably something like, "The Daily Texas Longhorn". One thing is clear though, they want the GWB Brand off the range!
The Texas tune they sung to keafer, the twin jims and ronald is something like this:
Those of you who are shoveling that conservative stew,
Beware, the Daily Longhorn is hunting for you,
Take the cue,
Before they draw down on you,
Get out of town,
Before sundown!

September 29, 2004 03:04 AM Forum: Politics

LA Times: "Bush is a Coward"

Posted By Rod Kaufman

In reference to the current election campaign, the Los Angeles Times calls George W Bush a coward.The Times notes,"Bush happily benefits from the slime his supporters are spreading but refuses to take responsibility for it or to call point blank for it to stop."The Times asks, will he get away with it?" "The answer is yes".
Specifically, Bush supporters have stated "Terrorists support Kerry" and Kerry "supports the terrorists". The Times notes," Bush criticism of him and his Iraqi policy "can embolden an enemy" and called Kerry "obstructive" to the war on terror.
These inane statements by Bush are now attracting criticism by members of his own party. Perhaps there is still time...

October 6, 2004 03:39 AM Forum: Politics

VP Debate

Posted By Rod Kaufman

Although I felt differently about the outcome of the VP debate, ABC news reported 45% thought Cheney won versus 35% for Edwards with 19% calling it a tie.
Speaking of factcheck, ABC cited them for having numerous tapes showing Cheney's claim regarding Al Quaeda link with Iraq, a claim Cheney denied during the debate.
There were at least two times Cheney could have used 30 seconds for an argument or opinion but declined to use it. I don't see how that resulted in a more favorable impression of him with those who were polled but that's just my impression.
There appears to be consensus that this debate will be quickly forgotten by Friday.

October 6, 2004 08:05 PM Forum: Politics

The WMD Report

Posted By Rod Kaufman

Although there's no real suprise in the report of the top US inspector, I see the interesting conclusion that the capability of Iraq to produce WMD significantly weakened after the first gulf war and degraded in the following years.
Yet, we have still seen hawks within the Bush administration claiming to have seen "smoking gun" evidence of such weapons as late as a few months ago, as reported in Time magazine. This turned-out to be false, of course, but the stubborn inability of the Bush administration to accept reality is disconcerting, to say the least.Unfortunately, the inability of George Bush to acknowledge the realities of Iraq continues unabated with our only hope being the possibility of a change in our leadership.

October 7, 2004 01:06 AM Forum: Politics

The WMD Report

Posted By Rod Kaufman

You and the Bush zealots ARE out of touch with reality. If you bothered to read the WMD report you would know the UN sanctions were, in fact working, and Iraqi ability to develop WMD was crippled and that is why NO WMD were found in the first place.
Your assertion of Kerry's global test is taken way out of context and it is YOU who should read the transcripts wherein Kerry clearly states how he will defend us from terrorist threats. If Bush had the forethought and intelligence to seek global support in Iraq we might not be in the mess that we now find ourselves in.
Bush takes us to war against Iraq for imaginary WMD and you buy it.

October 7, 2004 05:00 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

Criterion RV-6

Posted By Rod Kaufman

You might try Parks as their pedestal bases are of a similar design.
Another way to go is to buy three large "L" brackets from a home improvement store such as home depot. These are the type of brackets that attach large book shelves to a wall. I have three of them attached as pedestal legs to an aluminum tube pedestal. The "L" brackets come reinforced and can be easily drilled to attach them to the sides of the pedestal. You can obtain three castor wheels from Apogee and attach them to the end of the "L" bracket feet if you want to wheel the scope around a driveway. The castors also have built in levelers if you need to level of scope. These L brackets are probably the most cost-effective way to go and can be purchased in sizes to meet most needs.

October 7, 2004 03:42 PM Forum: Politics

Voting in Afghanistan

Posted By Rod Kaufman

So how are things going in the Bush belief system of "arising democracy in Afghanistan"?
Well, the news reports indicate 80% of the population can't read or write so the ballot needs to be a picture ballot wherein the voter places his ink stained thumb on a picture and selects the candidate of their choice. The news reports also indicate that a likely voter is apt to be threatened to vote for US backed Tarzark or his house might be burned to the ground or he can't marry-off his daughters,and so on.
I wonder what the pictures of the candidates look like. Perhaps the picture of the US backed candidate has a M-16 at his side for an easy ID while other warlords have the more traditional AK 47.
Ah yes, arising democracy...

October 8, 2004 05:03 PM Forum: Politics

Re: Bush is wired! he cheats in debates, conferenc

Posted By Rod Kaufman

I agree with you that it should be all over the news if, in fact, Bush is being coached during the debates or in any other forum via an electronic device.
It certainly did not help him during the debate so it may be something else and the comment from Nichols seems logical but...

October 8, 2004 06:15 PM Forum: Politics

Re: Bush is wired! he cheats in debates, conferenc

Posted By Rod Kaufman

"if either of them cheated it must have been Kerry"
The results of the first debate are clear and Bush stumbled all over himself and that's one of the major reasons most people believe Bush lost it. Further Kerry communicated his message much better than Bush.
The rational of JB lacks more and more credibility with every post.