Hello, all,
I have a Starmaster 11 ELT 4.55 with Zambuto and it is great, I love
it. My only problem so far is with balance. I use a Paracorr all the
time, as Rick recommends, and a 31 Nagler or a 20mm Nagler Type 2
(they weigh about the same) and I balance the scope by haning one or
two ankle weights, each weighing 1 lb 7 oz, on the handles of the
mirror box, as Rick recommends. The scope balances fine. All is great
so far.
When I use much lighter eyepieces, such as a 12 Nagler Type 2, or
expecially a 9 or 7 Nagler Type 6, I use a Tele Vue Terminagler brass
2 inch to 1.25 inch adapter, which is heavy. This equalizes the weight
to that of the heavy 2 inch eyepiees without the adapter. All is still
great. The scope is still in perfect balance once the new eyepiece is in.
While I change eyepieces, between any two eyepieces, the trouble
occurs. With one hand I remove the Tele Vue eyepiece (with or without
the adapter, as appropriate), and with my other hand I insert the new
eyepiece, not so easy with Tele Vue underslung eyepiece barrels
without disturbing the scope, but I am getting skillful at this. No
problem at all, except that the scope moves a great deal as soon as an
eyepiece is removed before I can insert one of equal weight.
My solution to this is simple: with my third hand I steady the scope.
The only problem with my simple and elegant solution is that I
discover that I have only two hands.
Any suggestions to keep the scope from moving while changing
eyepieces? (On my old scope, and on my Compact Precision Scope, I have
an altitude lock I use while changing eyepieces, which solves the
problem entirely but the SM has no provision for this.)
How do you people solve this problem?
Bill Meyers