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Posts Made By: Timothy Iafolla

August 20, 2005 02:38 AM Forum: Telescope Making

Testing optical flats redux

Posted By Timothy Iafolla

Hi all,

Using your suggestions from last week I successfully altered my interference fringe-type flat tester so that it now works great (using a mercury compact fluorescent bulb). I now get very clear Newton's rings when I compare one polished flat against like a champ for my polished, unmirrored flats and diagonals.

One follow-up question though: how do I test a mirrored surface against the reference flat? If I place the reference on top of a face-up mirror the rings aren't visible.

Thanks again,

Tim Iafolla

August 24, 2005 12:59 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Re: A change of gears - Our seventh planet

Posted By Timothy Iafolla

Just wondering...has anyone seen the ring structure using contrast etc. enhancement? I'm guessing the answer is no, considering that the rings weren't seen at all until the Voyager fly-by, right? Thanks,

Tim Iafolla

September 6, 2005 01:45 AM Forum: Off Topic Discussions

Amazing Katrina Photos

Posted By Timothy Iafolla

On this site:

There's a link called Index Maps that takes you to hundreds of hi-res photos of the Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama coasts. Here's one that struck's a coastal neighborhood just to the east of the storm track. All that's left are the swimming pools:

Note that these are large images. Also, if you import them into Photoshop or similar, and do an AutoLevels, the pic will become MUCH clearer.

Tim Iafolla

September 9, 2005 12:50 PM Forum: Politics

September 20, 2005 02:52 PM Forum: Religion

Re: Another tolerance scenario for the Musketeers

Posted By Timothy Iafolla

How about this:

Dad is all-knowing and all powerful. He gives his son a perfect throwing arm with prefect eyesight and judgement.

Tim Iafolla

September 22, 2005 01:15 PM Forum: Telescope Making

Ever hear of white rouge?

Posted By Timothy Iafolla

Hi all,

I have a source for white rouge, and was wondering if anybody knows about its properties as a polishing compound compared to red rouge or cerium oxide.


Tim Iafolla

September 26, 2005 12:03 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Equipment tragedy

Posted By Timothy Iafolla

Doesn't this just make you want to cry? (See next pic)

November 1, 2005 07:23 AM Forum: Religion


Posted By Timothy Iafolla

Wow, you folks have been busy!

I think the guidelines are excellent.

Now, about the other 50 posts...just kidding.

Tim Iafolla

December 11, 2005 09:00 AM Forum: Telescope Making


Posted By Timothy Iafolla

He raised the price from $175,000 to $450,000 because earlier he had forgotten about including the cost of a movable mount. I guess after exhaustive engineering studies he pulled another number out of his butt. Now, where did I leave my checkbook?

Tim Iafolla

December 11, 2005 07:42 PM Forum: Telescope Making


Posted By Timothy Iafolla

I swear, if I was a billionaire I would buy this, just for the years-long future entertainment value.

Seriously David, if you have a couple hours to kill we would love a report about a visit with this guy. I can't decide whether he's a scam artist with nads of steel or just an ambitious guy with incredibly naive business and engineering instincts. Either way would be vastly entertaining.
