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Posts Made By: Larry Thaxton

April 1, 2010 05:00 PM Forum: Takahashi

New Tak?

Posted By Larry Thaxton

Any truth to the rumor a new 180mm F/7 Tak APO is ready for release?

April 12, 2010 01:46 AM Forum: AstroMart FAQ

Re: What do you think about this ad (Leitz 30mm)?

Posted By Larry Thaxton

Hi Scott,

It may be a legitimate ad, but the price seems outrageous to me. A few years ago I paid about $1000 for one, identical to the version in the ad, and thought that was pretty expensive. It really is a stunning eyepiece, maybe the best 30mm I tried (30mm XW, 31mm Nagler and 30mm Leitz), but I sold it as the 30mm XW was every bit as sharp and the extra field did not sway me. It memory is correct, APM was selling them for about $1500 new a year or so back and with so many widefield eyepieces out there now it is hard to imagine it will command that much money.

It would seem like anyone who follows astro gear would know the asking price to be very high. That did make me suspicious, but this is definitely not a "too good to be true" situation!


April 18, 2010 03:12 PM Forum: ASTRONOMY


Posted By Larry Thaxton

I am thinking of relocating to Bend in the next couple of years and possibly buying a small place soon. How is the seeing? Are there better places in the area? My scope is probably going to be a 16" Dall-Kirkham and maybe I'll still own the 7" TMB apo as well. Any suggestions?



August 4, 2010 01:55 PM Forum: Takahashi

New Tak Scope Coming?

Posted By Larry Thaxton

OK Tak folks, does anyone know about this release yet?

February 10, 2011 02:31 PM Forum: Telescope Making

Re: Tube source for 12.5" mirror?

Posted By Larry Thaxton

Not aluminum, and not inexpensive, but an alternative:

October 2, 2011 08:31 PM Forum: Antique/Classic/Vintage Optical Instruments

Cave Observatory Scope

Posted By Larry Thaxton

Over the weekend I went on a drive with a couple of friends and picked up a complete Cave 12.5" Observatory scope. It was like a time capsule and have all of the original paperwork, eyepieces, and was in excellent (though a bit dirty/dusty) shape. I am going to clean it up and get a cart made to allow moving it in and out of the garage and look forward to some great views!

Cave Optical 12.5” Observatory scope mirror information:


“Cave Optical Company #M651543
F 7.3 91 ½” F/L August 18, 1965”

6” F/12 Guide scope:

no inscription other than “74 5/8” FL”

July 29, 2012 01:53 PM Forum: Takahashi


Posted By Larry Thaxton

Anyone have experience with the Takahashi FC-100N, the F/10 4" fluorite? I know there were 100 made for dedicated planetary observers, but not much else.


September 9, 2012 03:18 PM Forum: Takahashi


Posted By Larry Thaxton

Something you don't see every day.

May 31, 2014 03:19 AM Forum: Takahashi

Tak FC-100DN

Posted By Larry Thaxton

Looks like Takahashi is bringing back a limited edition classic:

Price is a bit stiff!

September 14, 2014 02:57 AM Forum: ASTRONOMY

Re: back to your roots

Posted By Larry Thaxton

Hi Billy,

I began this journey around age 10 with a 50mm refractor. It was a cheap little thing with an alt-az mount permanently attached. The tripod legs could not have been more than a foot tall, and I had to put it on top of a neighbor's fence to look at the moon and stars.

My first "real" scope was Sears 60mm, again on an alt-as mount. My parents saw a spark and while they did not have a lot of money, fed my passion. The first view of Saturn through that scope was magic and hooked me forever. Like my pal Andy, I have since owned more scopes than I can remember, and my best views have been through large, high end optics.

Having said that, a couple of years ago a 60mm Sears scope of similar vintage to the one my parents gave me popped up on AM. I could not resist and bought it. When I opened it the memories of that young boy opened inside of me. The first night I had it out, I aimed it at Saturn and tingled inside when that tiny, but razor sharp image came into focus. I actually laughed I was so happy.

At the moment have a Takahashi FS152 which I still blame my parents for....I may not end my astro journey with a Sears 60mm, but I sure have a soft spot in my heart for that little scope and the places it took me.
