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Posts Made By: Alan Zaza

August 21, 2005 12:38 AM Forum: Eyepieces

13mm Nagler T6 Question

Posted By Alan Zaza

I just bought a 13mm Nagler Type 6 and tried it out the first time last night on my MN56 5" F6 Mak-Newt. I noticed right away observing Jupiter at twilight that the field started to get darker about 95% out to the edge. This was very noticeable, looking like a dark rim around the edge. I attributed this to vignetting, so I tried it on my XT-10, and it was not as bad but still there. I don't see this on my 7mm t6, or other eyepieces. Has anyone noticed this? Is it normal, or is my eyepiece defective?


September 14, 2005 06:59 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Orion XT-12 Classic

Posted By Alan Zaza

[COLOR="Blue"][/COLOR]Hi All,
I was wondering about the quality of the mirror since it's BK-7 glass rather than pyrex. Mainly concerned about figure and cool down time. :S

November 7, 2005 12:56 AM Forum: Eyepieces

22 vs 24 Pan for XT-10

Posted By Alan Zaza

I am getting significant coma at the outer 70% FOV with my 22mm Panoptic on my F4.7 XT-10 . Otherwise the view is simply stunning with tack sharp brilliant stars at the center. I have read that the new 24mm Pan is much better corrected at the edges for a fast scope like mine. To those of you that have tried both, which do you prefer?


January 6, 2006 03:05 AM Forum: Equipment Talk


Posted By Alan Zaza

I would like to hear from some of you Tscope owners out there. I'm thinking of getting the 14 inch Tscope with Steve Swayze mirror.


February 8, 2006 05:07 PM Forum: Refractors

FS-102 NSV Collimation

Posted By Alan Zaza

I just acquired an FS-102 NSV, and looking at a in focus star at 250X, the diffraction ring is not the same brightness all the way around. Does this refractor have any collimation adjustments? I can't find any. Am I being too picky? It gives very sharp views.


February 19, 2006 10:35 PM Forum: Reflectors

12" Lightbridge collimation bolts?

Posted By Alan Zaza

Does anyone know the size, and thread number of the primary cell collimation bolts? I'd like to replace them with knob style bolts. I'm thinking they are metric.

June 8, 2006 08:45 PM Forum: Binoviewers

Tak FS-102 NSV w/ Denk and 30mm

Posted By Alan Zaza

The Tak FS-102 NSV (New Short Version) is suppose to allow straight through binoviewing without any optical corrector.

Has anyone tried using the standard Denkmeir binoviewer straight through with a Tele Vue 2" Everbrighr Diagonal and 30mm Orion Ultrascopic eyepieces and had success?


June 30, 2006 04:04 PM Forum: Takahashi

Image shift

Posted By Alan Zaza

My FS102 NSV shows some image shift while focusing at about 100X. It's a slight amount, but still anoying. I doubt this is normal. I have tried adjusting the 3 setscrews on top of the focuser with no success. Is there an order to which screws should be adjusted first? Your help and thoughts welcome!

September 3, 2006 07:22 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

SVP IntelliScope upgrade

Posted By Alan Zaza

Has anyone installed the IntelliScope upgrade kit on their Orion SkyView Pro equatorial mount? I would like to hear any comments about it.


September 6, 2006 06:54 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Coronado SolarMax 40/BF10 scope or PST doublestack

Posted By Alan Zaza

Which would you buy? I'm interested in the best performance all around.