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NGC7293 Helix Nebula

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Posts Made By: Gary Carter

December 1, 2005 04:40 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

Feathertouch on a C8 ?

Posted By Gary Carter


I've not used the feathertouch on a C8 but have heard good many things about them. The built-in focuser actually moves the mirror inward and outward to change the focal length. There are two issues you will face using any type of focuser that replaces or augments the knob on a C8. One is the inherent hysteresis that exists in the SCT focuser design, that is to say the "slack" that is evident in the focuser assembly when you reverse focus direction. (You may have noticed that the focus does not change during the initial rotation of the focuser when changing focus direction.) The second issue you will deal with is the fact that every time you physically touch the knob to focus, inevitably the scope/mount will shake during the focus operation. This makes the finer focusing rather difficult. Even though the Feathertouch will help make finer adjustments - you have to wait for the dampening to occur and thus the "shakes" to settle.

A very good solution to this is a motorized focuser such as the JMI NGFS. It comes with an electronic hand controller. This focuser attaches to the SCT threads on the rear cell in front of the diagonal. The design is a crayford focuser assembly that moves everything behind it (e.g. the diagonal, eyepiece or camera) instead of the mirror. No hysteresis exists in this design. You use the existing built-in focuser for the "rough" focus. Fine adjustments are then made with the NGFS without having to touch the OTA itself. With this very accurate focus adjustments can be made for visual or imaging use.


December 3, 2005 03:19 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

1.25" mirror diagonal suggestions

Posted By Gary Carter

Lumicon 1.25" Enhanced Aluminum Star Diagonal Lumicon part number LD-DIAG15

Anacortes sells this item and it is listed as:

Lumicon Enhanced Aluminum Star Diagonal 1.25" (Part #LD1010)


July 15, 2006 03:36 AM Forum: Beginning Astronomy?

Need Advice Please....First Time Buyer

Posted By Gary Carter


Come join us at Frisco Park on the second Saturday of the month. It will give you the opportunity to view through a large variety of refractors, reflectors and SCT's so you can make a well informed choice based upon your personal experience using them. See for the details of this and several other Public Outreach activities hosted by the Texas Astronomical Society of Dallas! Feel free to contact me directly if you like....I'm located quite close to you!


February 23, 2008 02:44 AM Forum: Birding Optics and Photos

coopers hawk

Posted By Gary Carter

Aaron Yonker said:

this guy wreaks havoc on the little critters in a field by my house.


Nice shot! I saw one of these in my front yard munching down on a Mockingbird several years ago. A few weeks ago another Cooper's Hawk passed directly in front of my truck while I was stopped for a light. He took a low, stealthy swoop across the six-lane road and struck from behind.....Whooops! There went another Mockingbird!

July 2, 2008 03:43 AM Forum: Refractors

NP 127

Posted By Gary Carter

I'd recommend the Tele Vue Gibralter 5 Alt/Azimuth head, JMI encoder kit with NGC Max computer, on Bogen/Manfrotto 117B Universal Video Tripod Legs. With a well balanced OTA (you may need one of the Tele Vue Balance Aid plates to help offset the weight of your diagonal and eyepiece(s) of choice) this mount is very smooth and stable for a portable grab-and-go setup. The Bogen/Manfrotto tripod legs are independently adjustable in height and spread making it very easy to level on uneven terrain. Once locked in place it is rock solid. Vibrations damp in a one or two second period with the center column retracted. The NGC Max is great for stand-alone use and will also double as a computer interface if you use Megastar or a similar digital star chart program from time to time.

February 28, 2009 03:39 AM Forum: Ask rating questions here

How to give a rating

Posted By Gary Carter


My Account -> Account Menu -> Ratings -> Unused Ratings

Pick the User you have not yet rated....

February 28, 2009 04:11 AM Forum: Star Parties

Texas Star Party

Posted By Gary Carter

Been there - done that - Going again this year. What would you like to know?

September 24, 2009 04:50 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

Anybody with knowledge of B&l 8000?

Posted By Gary Carter

My B&L 4000 was similar....The threads are not a common size. To my knowledge they were unique to B&L's products.

November 23, 2009 08:24 AM Forum: Digital SLR AstroPhotography


Posted By Gary Carter

Maybe something changed with respect to the lens auto focus?

November 23, 2009 08:27 AM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Jupiter Sept 19, one of my best.

Posted By Gary Carter

Beautiful image Paul! Simply beautiful!