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Posts Made By: Paul Gustafson

November 16, 2009 01:54 PM Forum: Meteorites & Meteors

New additions -- Arispe

Posted By Paul Gustafson

NWA 753, Sahara Desert near Kem Kem, Morocco
Found 2000
Rumuruti chondrite R3.9, 9.2g

This is one of only four approved meteorites classified as R3.9. Weathering grade is only W2 on this specimen making it one of the freshest R chondrites besides the type name Rumuruti.

November 16, 2009 01:59 PM Forum: Meteorites & Meteors

New additions -- Arispe

Posted By Paul Gustafson

NWA 800, Algeria/Morocco
Rumuruti chondrite R4, 6g
Total known weight 400g

This little end piece is a nice example of an R-chondrite, clearly showing the typical breccia texture common to this type meteorite.

November 16, 2009 02:02 PM Forum: Meteorites & Meteors

New additions -- Arispe

Posted By Paul Gustafson

NWA 853, Er Rachidia, Morocco
Purchased March 6, 2001
Achondrite Ureilite, 6g

A single piece of 720g was found. Ureilites are composed of the pyroxene pigeonite and olivine in a carbon-rich matrix and are often shocked enough to contain diamonds. This specimen shows a carbon fiber-like refraction from the graphite under angled lighting.

November 18, 2009 02:10 PM Forum: Meteorites & Meteors

New additions -- Arispe

Posted By Paul Gustafson

Peña Blanca Spring, Marathon, Brewster County, Texas
Observed fall August 2, 1946
Aubrite, 138g

This Aubrite is almost white, and very little metal is visible. The fusion crust is thin and cream-colored.

November 18, 2009 11:43 PM Forum: Meteorites & Meteors

New additions -- Arispe

Posted By Paul Gustafson

Ragland, Quay County, New Mexico
Chondrite, LL3 (LL3.4), 10g

This is a nice example of the low iron, low metal, abundant chondrules that characterize an LL3. Ragland is one of only sixteen specimens so classified.

November 18, 2009 11:46 PM Forum: Meteorites & Meteors

New additions -- Arispe

Posted By Paul Gustafson

Sahara Desert
EH3, 44g

This specimen was collected prior to the numbering of the Sahara EH3's

November 18, 2009 11:52 PM Forum: Meteorites & Meteors

New additions -- Arispe

Posted By Paul Gustafson

Santiago Papasquie­ro, 133 km southwest of the village of Santiago Papasquie­ro, Durango, Mexico
Found 1958
Hexahedrite? Ataxite? 66g

November 18, 2009 11:54 PM Forum: Meteorites & Meteors

New additions -- Arispe

Posted By Paul Gustafson

St Genevieve County (extreme western part of county), Missouri
Found 1888
Medium octahedrite IIIF, 102g

This specimen is from the Oscar E. Monnig collection. St Genevieve County is one of only eight approved meteorites classified as IIIF.

November 18, 2009 11:57 PM Forum: Meteorites & Meteors

New additions -- Arispe

Posted By Paul Gustafson

Tambo Quemado, Leoncio, Ayuacucho, Peru
Found before 1950
Medium octahedrite, IIIB (IIIAB), 292g

When this meteorite was "discovered" by outsiders the locals demanded payment for its loss to them, which they received in the form of cement for their public school.

November 19, 2009 12:06 AM Forum: Meteorites & Meteors

New additions -- Arispe

Posted By Paul Gustafson

Tuxtuac, Zacatecas, Mexico
Observed fall October 16, 1975, but first fragments not located for several years.
Olivine-hypersthene Chondrite, Amphoterite LL5, 196g

Tuxtuac is an unusual LL group chondrite because it lacks veining and brecciation features. Metal iron occurs within the meteorite as small angular grains associated with troilite. Chondrules are clearly defined and come in several varieties with colors ranging from dark brown to tan.

This specimen has a fusion crust with regmaglypts, fractured surface discolored from the heat, and a beautiful polished surface.