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Captured by
Jay Messeroff

North America + Pelican Nebulae

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Posts Made By: Paul Gustafson

July 26, 2003 02:20 AM Forum: Astro-Physics

New Baader Binoviewer Shipping

Posted By Paul Gustafson

July 26, 2003 02:20 AM Forum: Binoviewers

New Baader Binoviewer Shipping

Posted By Paul Gustafson

January 21, 2004 11:50 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

Re: Your account

Posted By Paul Gustafson


I use a popular unit called "TeleZapper" to deter computer-dialed marketing calls. It's a small plug-in unit, available from a variety of sources like Radio Shack and office supply stores, that plays a short tone when the line is picked up by either a person or the answer machine. This tone mimics the tone that tells the calling computer the phone number is not a working number and the autodialers hang up; eventually your number is removed from many of the autodialing lists. It has been dramatically effective, reducing the unsolicited sales calls from several dozen per evening to one every few days.

Just curious, will your automated phone verification system recognize such a protected phone number as valid?

May 13, 2006 03:36 AM Forum: Birding Optics and Photos

Barred Owl

Posted By Paul Gustafson

One of a pair nesting behind my house.

May 15, 2006 10:37 PM Forum: Birding Optics and Photos

Barred Owl Napping

Posted By Paul Gustafson

Sleepy owl.

June 19, 2006 01:01 PM Forum: Eyepieces

Re: threats to the validity of eyepiece comparison

Posted By Paul Gustafson

With the exception of one review by Jeff Medkeff, all of the eyepiece reviews I've seen are strictly subjective. Since we all use different scopes, different eyes, different brains, and have different biases and expectations, reviews say nothing about how an eyepiece will perform for you. They should be read for entertainment purposes only.

At one time I worked in a lab measuring the thresholds of perception and designing and implementing experiments to measure the effects of bias on perception. I am continually amused to see "reviews" in which people, often experienced people, claim to see differences at a level that is far below anyone's physiological abiliity to detect. Don't underestimate the effect of bias. When it comes to subtle differences, people tend to see what they want or expect to see. It's part of being human, how we make it through the day.


for an interesting overview of why we see what we see and do what we do.

June 26, 2006 02:56 PM Forum: Insects - Flowers and Other Small Stuff - Photos


Posted By Paul Gustafson

SE Virginia, about 1 cm in length including the legs. Anyone know what it is?

July 17, 2006 06:48 PM Forum: AstroMart FAQ

Automated auction bids?

Posted By Paul Gustafson

How does one automate auction bidding? I'd like to be on the same playing field as those who do.

August 10, 2006 04:16 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Re: Cruisin' for a bruisin' ???

Posted By Paul Gustafson

The AstroBurglar shopping list!

August 13, 2006 01:40 AM Forum: Pet Pics

New Pet

Posted By Paul Gustafson

Here is my new Northern Blue Tongue Skink. Native to Australia, this one was born in California about 3 months ago and is still a baby with a head the size of my thumb. As an adult it will be the size of my forearm and can live 15-20 years. Pretty personable little guy/gal (too young to tell), but a picky eater -- loves his bugs, asparagus, bell peppers, raspberries, mango, and papaya but he's not interested at all in his leafy veggies and squash. Best of all? My wife loves him, thinks he's cute. grin