Image of the day

Captured by
Jay Messeroff

North America + Pelican Nebulae

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Posts Made By: Paul Gustafson

April 11, 2003 01:07 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

Recommended dealers?

Posted By Paul Gustafson

Company 7 has provided me superb after-sale service. For a buy-at-the-best-price place, Astronomics.

April 11, 2003 01:12 AM Forum: Binoviewers

May 19, 2003 02:37 AM Forum: TeleVue

Televue Users Group on Yahoo

Posted By Paul Gustafson

May 26, 2003 12:16 PM Forum: Astro Binoculars

10x50 Binoc. Swarovski vs. Leica

Posted By Paul Gustafson

Leica's service is excellent. Their lifetime Passport warranty covers everything. You can run over them with a truck or drop them off a balcony, send the remains in to Leica and they'll either repair or replace them. Never dealt with Swarov so can't compare.

May 27, 2003 01:26 AM Forum: Wildlife Photography

More azaleas

Posted By Paul Gustafson

And another...

June 6, 2003 11:39 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

26 Nagler T5 or 35 Panoptic?

Posted By Paul Gustafson

I owned both eyepieces and spent a lot of time with them in an apo of fl 1085 mm. The extra magnification of the 26 Nagler gives a darker background, better apparent contrast (I say apparent, since the different fl of the two eyepieces makes direct contrast camparisons based on ep design, glass, coatings, etc. useless). The 26 Nagler was clearly the better eyepiece for me.

Subjectively, the Nagler has a "feel" that is entirely different from the Panoptic. Hard to describe, but others have called it more "immersive" and that is as close as I've seen to what it feels like to me.

If at all possible, try both in your scope, decide based on what you see through the eyepieces. Eyes and brains differ, so you can't really rely on what someone else says about eyepieces (including me).

June 19, 2003 02:52 AM Forum: Wildlife Photography


Posted By Paul Gustafson

Awesome! I used to grow these, as well as species from S. Africa. They are unique plants. Great close-up!

June 23, 2003 03:21 AM Forum: Wildlife Photography

Horny Bug 1

Posted By Paul Gustafson

Bite me!

June 26, 2003 02:32 AM Forum: Astro Binoculars

Trying to better the Fujinon FMT-SX 16x70

Posted By Paul Gustafson

I agree with Mr. Harrington. After picking up the Zeiss 15x60's and spending a lot of time side-by-siding them with my Fuji 16x70's, I sold the Fujis.

I understand the price, but what do you refer to when you say they are smaller than what you'd like?

June 30, 2003 10:57 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Contrast vs. Brightness

Posted By Paul Gustafson

Just to complicate the matter, our visual system's sensitivity to contrast varies with the overall brightness of the image.