Posts Made By: Rex Cox

December 24, 2005 07:42 AM Forum: Celestron

Celestron Customer Support deteriorating?

Posted By Rex Cox

I recently had the same problems with Celestron CS. From talking with the support guy on the phone, I get the feeling that CS at Celestron is one or two people who only talk to customers when they aren't busy wearing some other duty hat.

As a lot of you probably know, Celestron was aquired by Synta earlier this year. I imagine that one of the first things Synta did was to go in and slash everything they could that they saw as "unneccesary". From my experience, I don't think that overseas companies see customer service as an important part of doing business the way American companies do. I may be wrong--just my 2 cents.

Rex Cox

March 14, 2006 10:48 PM Forum: DVDs and Music and Books That You Recommend

Starsky & Hutch

Posted By Rex Cox

I kinda liked the movie myself, although I didn't expect much of it, so I guess that's why I wasn't disappointed. I think it helps if a person is familiar with the original TV series to appreciate the humour of the movie. I guess part of the reason I liked it is that the movie was as goofy as the series. I think Ben Stiller was hilarious as Starsky. My nephew never saw the series, so he didn't really get the movie.

Rex Cox

April 16, 2006 05:11 AM Forum: Beginning Astronomy?

How old are you???

Posted By Rex Cox

45, going on 10. I live in Midwest City, OK. I work for Uncle Sam and have been interested in astronomy all my life, really into it as a hobby for about 6 years. I'm getting ready to sell my current telescope and buy another. I plan to quit my job, move to a dark sky site, and build my dream observatory just as soon as I win the lottery. wink

Rex Cox

March 30, 2007 11:01 PM Forum: Ask rating questions here

Those who procrastinate

Posted By Rex Cox

John Meiners said:

Example: My Profile.. rates Given = 563 rates received = 499. looks like 64 users are too busy or too lazy to reciprocate.. JM

At the end of all my transactions that go well, I always send an email to the seller that I enjoyed doing business with them and that I look forward to trading feedback with them on Astromart. I look at it as a friendly nudge. I haven't had many transactions where a seller didn't reciprocate with feedback. Most all of my transactions here have been purchases by me, but I'm going to start selling some items soon. I certainly want to do everything I can to retain my favorable feedback profile.


May 23, 2007 05:53 PM Forum: Digital SLR AstroPhotography

July 29, 2007 07:13 PM Forum: AstroMart FAQ

Selling to member with no rating?

Posted By Rex Cox

Mike Engelhart said:
So my question is, is this acceptable to reject offers if the user doesn't have a rating. My personal feeling is that the whole point of ratings is to build up trust and believe me if i was selling a $25 plossl I wouldn't blink an eye at selling it to someone in another country with no ratings but that's not the case in this ad.


Just my opinion, but I think you should be able to conduct your sale as you see fit, so long as you act ethically and within the rules set forth on Astromart. If I didn't feel comfortable about selling to a particular individual, I wouldn't feel bad about not selling to them. If they don't like it--tough.

I get a little frustrated at times when a seller will only accept Paypal, or will only sell locally but that is their prerogative and I accept it. As for establishing ratings, I did as Alex suggested. I made a few small purchases on astromart and moved on from there.

Rex Cox

August 17, 2007 02:19 AM Forum: Solar System Observing

Mars to be its brightest on 8/27!!

Posted By Rex Cox

Doug Culbertson said:


Is anyone else getting really tired of debunking this tired email?

Hard to believe that two oppositions later, this thing is still making the rounds. The thing is, those friends and coworkers that come to tell me about this are really excited to "inform" me about the event, and they always walk away disappointed at hearing the truth. BTW, where did the whole thing about "two full moons" come from anyway? Mars was bright in '03, but not that bright! :S

Midway, FL

Ditto that Doug! I've had 5 or 6 people at work ask me about this. One of my less liked co-workers (big-time jerk) showed me the email, and when I told him that it's a hoax, he got this perplexed look on his face and indignantly asked, "how do you know?". Since we get to work before sunrise, I took him outside, showed him Mars, and said, "Take a good look. If, in two weeks, that little speck of light looks as big as the full moon to the naked eye, we are indeed in big trouble".


August 19, 2007 04:33 AM Forum: Off Topic Discussions

Most Difficult Book Read?

Posted By Rex Cox

Darian Rachal said:

Anyway, the whole point of this is, I'm am curious about what it the most difficult book you have read and understood? Maybe an odd question, but it just came to mind. wink

The most difficult book that I've read in recent memory was 'Far Side Of The World' by Patrick O'Brian. Actually, it was such a diffcult read that I quit it halfway through. I was kind of ashamed of myself for doing that, but reading that book was worse than being skinned alive! It's written in the prose, jargon, and colloquialism of the time period in which the story occurs, and the author uses an unbelievable vocabulary of arcane nautical terms. It appears as if all of O'Brian's books are just as difficult. Oh well, I can only hope that more of them will be made into movies.

August 23, 2007 02:55 AM Forum: DVDs and Music and Books That You Recommend

Best Science Fiction Movie?

Posted By Rex Cox

Jack Bruneau said:

Anything beat Blade Runner?

My favorite is still '2001: A Space Odyssey'. I really can't explain why, though. I've seen it a gazillion times, and it still leaves me scratching my head. Clark and Kuberick must have been on LSD or something. I remember my Dad taking me to see it at the theater when I was a kid. The special effects just blew me away.

August 23, 2007 02:59 AM Forum: Off Topic Discussions

Most Difficult Book Read?

Posted By Rex Cox

Darian Rachal said:
Anyway, the whole point of this is, I'm am curious about what it the most difficult book you have read and understood? Maybe an odd question, but it just came to mind. wink

How about any college level economics text?