upcoming star partiesPosted By Rex Cox |
I notice that the Upcoming Star Parties forum is no longer. When did that happen, and how come?
upcoming star partiesPosted By Rex Cox |
Hats off to KansasPosted By Rex Cox |
replacement focuserPosted By Rex Cox |
Scopestuff focusers for Orion / teflon bearingsPosted By Rex Cox |
Re: Crayford vs Rack and Pinion FocusersPosted By Rex Cox |
Kevin Krepps said:
What exactly is the difference between these two focusers? Do you think upgrading my rack and pinion to a crayford on my Orion XT8 is worthwhile?
photos of ISS/shuttle taken from ground?Posted By Rex Cox |
User ProfilesPosted By Rex Cox |
Stolen meteorite foundPosted By Rex Cox |
about purchasing featured ads...Posted By Rex Cox |
What to look for?Posted By Rex Cox |