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Jay Messeroff

North America + Pelican Nebulae

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Posts Made By: Rex Cox

January 2, 2008 05:14 PM Forum: AstroMart FAQ

upcoming star parties

Posted By Rex Cox

I notice that the Upcoming Star Parties forum is no longer. When did that happen, and how come?

January 4, 2008 07:39 PM Forum: Sports

Hats off to Kansas

Posted By Rex Cox

Great Orange Bowl win last night. Much needed by the Big XII.

January 9, 2008 02:08 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

replacement focuser

Posted By Rex Cox

Can anyone recommend a good focuser to replace the one that comes with the Orion XT8? I don't want something extravagant, like a Feathertouch. Heck, that would cost as much or more than the scope did new. I want something that doesn't cost a great deal, but performs better than the stock focuser--soemthing that doesn't have so much slop, has better eyepiece fit, and better control movement.

I bought this scope from a co-worker this week, and I'll probably give it to my nephew.

January 21, 2008 09:30 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Scopestuff focusers for Orion / teflon bearings

Posted By Rex Cox

I started a thread recently asking for recommendations for a replacement focuser for an Orion XT8. I got some good ones, but I found what looks like some really nice crayfords with compression ring holders on the Scopestuff web site. The price for these focusers looks very reasonable and they have versions made specifically for Orion telescopes.

Does anyone have experience useing these focusers? They look like they might be the way to go.

As an aside, does Orion use teflon on the alt bearing cradle on the telescope mount? Looks more like nylon or something to me. I guess I could put some Ebonystar on the alt bearing on the telescope. I'm going to be looking to make some improvements to this telescope, maybe going as far as building a new mount.

February 3, 2008 06:08 AM Forum: Beginning Astronomy?

Re: Crayford vs Rack and Pinion Focusers

Posted By Rex Cox

Kevin Krepps said:

What exactly is the difference between these two focusers? Do you think upgrading my rack and pinion to a crayford on my Orion XT8 is worthwhile?

I found a nice Crayford focuser on the Scopestuff web site that is designed to replace the focusers on the Orion XT series scopes. They appear to be nicely machined. They have the compression ring eyepiece holder, which is important to me, and you can have a choice of a two-speed focuser or the standard single. The price is right too. I'm going to purchase one next week.

February 25, 2008 05:30 PM Forum: Off Topic Discussions

photos of ISS/shuttle taken from ground?

Posted By Rex Cox

Does anyone know of any websites that has pictures of the ISS and/or space shuttle taken by amateur astronomers?

February 28, 2008 04:06 AM Forum: Off Topic Discussions

User Profiles

Posted By Rex Cox

Having been active on Astromart forums for a few years now, I have gotten to know many of you who post here. It would be nice however, if folks who frequent these forums often would post a little something about themselves in their user profiles other than the minimum name and city. No personal information, just a little something about you, why you're interesting, why you like astronomy or other interests you have, maybe even a photo of yourself. I think it would make using these forums much more interesting and fun. I might even post a pic of me if I can find one that doesn't scare women, children and dogs.

What do you think?

March 19, 2008 02:45 AM Forum: Meteorites & Meteors

Stolen meteorite found

Posted By Rex Cox

Interesting story...

Is this the one that was stolen at WSP?

March 23, 2008 07:51 PM Forum: AstroMart FAQ

about purchasing featured ads...

Posted By Rex Cox

I just went to the support page to purchase a 5-pack of featured ads. But, when I got to the confirmation page, the space labeled, 'name on card' was blank, although I had filled it in on the previous page. Is this a safety feature, or is it a glitch? I was kind of thinking that my Astromart account might not be credited with the purchase.

I'll hold off until I find out for sure here.

April 9, 2008 12:38 AM Forum: Meteorites & Meteors

What to look for?

Posted By Rex Cox

I've been considering purchasing a meteorite. I'm not a collector, and I know absolutely nothing about them, but given my passion for astronomy, I think it would be special to own a piece of the solar system that isn't of the earth.

I would like to find something that isn't overly expensive, is visually interesting, and is fairly large, about golfball size or so.

Is it possible to find something that fits these criteria, or am I being unrealistic? What should I look for?