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andrews porter

Ic443 jellyfish nebula

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Posts Made By: Paul Walsh

April 3, 2002 04:41 AM Forum: Home Observatories

Dome planned

Posted By Paul Walsh

We're up to the first floor. Plan to top it with a deck, kneewall and homebuilt 8" dome to house a 10" LX200. Anyone got any great ideas on slaving the slot to the scope?

September 26, 2002 12:41 AM Forum: Home Observatories

Dome lifted into position

Posted By Paul Walsh

We got the support ring and dome craned in today, using a telescoping fork lift. No lateral movement with the lift so it was a little tricky but all in all it went very smoothly.

Tomorrow, we'll attach the skirting and then, maybe this weekend, we'll place the white-picket hand railing around the base perimeter.

THEN, we deal with that tree :-)

-Paul S. Walsh

August 14, 2003 11:07 PM Forum: Home Observatories

Dome planned - Update

Posted By Paul Walsh

Seems like it's been forever - heck, it HAS been forever since we started on our dome project for the astronomy classes at the Delta Rehab facility for survivors of traumatic brain injury - but we are now within a night or two of first light and I wanted to post some photos showing the most recent steps, including the dome motorizing scheme we worked out using discarded hospital bed motors and the stairway up into the dome.

I installed and leveled the scope today and affixed the auto focuser. It's a 10" LX200 Tomorrow night I'll polar align her and shoot for a trial shot using our STV.

Next step after that is to install a PC in the dome and network to my laptop in the nearby classroom where the students can all wheel in and view the proceedings on a large projected screen.

-Paul S. Walsh

July 14, 2004 06:42 PM Forum: Pet Pics

Window Vigil, Savanna Dreams

Posted By Paul Walsh

Sweetpea here was a feral cat we humane-trapped and gave a home to 9 years ago. She refuses to go back outside and is an amazing indoor insect huntress and to this day will not permit anyone to pick her up and hold her. Her favorite toy is a red laser pointer she'll chase at close to light speed.

I was never a huge cat fan but this little number has really won me over. Makes a credible watch cat, too. Woe betide any stranger, man or beast, that comes to the back sliding glass doors unannounced. She rocks her head back with a full open, pit viper jaw and displays her half-inch incisors while her front claws go into hog-chipper mode and all the while emitting this bone-chilling guttural bellow that could wake the dead. Nice kitty kitty.

July 14, 2004 09:45 PM Forum: Pet Pics

Re: cloudy nights

Posted By Paul Walsh

Great shot - Thing's got paws like a boxer!

July 15, 2004 02:02 AM Forum: Pet Pics

Sweetpea wide field shot

Posted By Paul Walsh

I forgot into include a wider field view of our little feral monster. She cleans up real nice as you can see.


August 10, 2004 08:13 AM Forum: Pet Pics

Another Fish

Posted By Paul Walsh

This narcissist is gone now but he was one sharp lookin' powder blue gourami. Currenly I have one raggedy looking Columbian Tetra, 3 unruly long fin Serpaes, and 2 huge Yoyo Loaches.

September 8, 2004 06:52 PM Forum: Politics

Political Computer Game

Posted By Paul Walsh

Attention hardcore gamers and uncontrollable control freaks: A very topical gaming entry is currently available as a free demo download at:


-Paul S. Walsh
Editor, AstroMart/ATWB

I make no warranties regarding the above link. I'm supplying the link for entertainment purposes only smile

September 29, 2004 10:20 PM Forum: Pet Pics

Better Pics of New Fish

Posted By Paul Walsh

German Blue Ram Cichlid, bow and port side

12 gallon Eclipse tank
3 serpae tetras
2 yoyo loaches
1 aforementioned blue ram

October 11, 2004 10:31 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Question to Astromart Users

Posted By Paul Walsh

If you were looking for a review in the Articles section on Binoviewers, under which of the following headings would you most likely look for it:

1. Eyepieces
2. Binoculars
3. Accessories

Your responses are very much appreciated.

-Paul S. Walsh
Editor, AstroMart/ATWB