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Posts Made By: James DellaPenna

August 3, 2010 07:10 AM Forum: Polls

My Congressperson/s ......

Posted By James DellaPenna

I used to be against the term limit idea because of the few really good ones but everybody has a few good favorites, depending upon each individual's political bent. Unfortunately, so many of them become institutions themselves. This stymies necessary rules & proceduaral changes that might actually allow them to get something done. Rookie legislators come in with high hopes of accomplishment only to be slapped down by seniority. Entrenched leadership in either party seems to promote hardline dysfunction instead of intelligent discourse and constructive compromise. Yes, it may be time for term limits. We've got to try something different.

April 26, 2018 08:56 PM Forum: How to make AstroMart BETTER!! My idea is.....

Prices for classifieds?

Posted By James DellaPenna

I've been off-line for awhile and just got introduced to the new changes.  It used to be when you pulled up any particular category of classifieds, each item would be accompanied with the asking price.  Now you have to actually pull up each ad to see the price.  What's the reasoning behind this?

April 26, 2018 10:37 PM Forum: How to make AstroMart BETTER!! My idea is.....

Prices for classifieds?

Posted By James DellaPenna

O.K., I just did a redo on my settings.  Didn't realize it required a reset over what I had set previously.  Thank you.

August 13, 2018 08:53 PM Forum: Binoviewers

19mm or 24mm panoptics?

Posted By James DellaPenna

I agree with Sergio.  Go w/ the 24's.  I have a 14.5" Starmaster f/4.3 and power switch.  I do most of my viewing w/ the lowest power setting for widest FOV and occasionally go up to the mid-power setting.  The highest power setting will generally be too dark.  For that reason alone I don't recommend the 19mm's.  I usually don't use the highest setting unless I'm trying to split a close double star.  The 24's are perfect for any binoviewer set-up.

April 7, 2019 08:07 PM Forum: TeleVue

Problem with Dioptrx application

Posted By James DellaPenna

Most of my viewing is done with a Denkmeier Binoviewer using a pair of Tele Vue 24MM Panoptics and a Denkmeier Power X Switch.  I recently decided to add a pair of Tele Vue Dioptrx lenses.  However, the 19mm Panoptics required the TLV-DRX-0100 Adapters to enlarge the end of the eyepieces so they would accommodate the large Dioptrx lenses. 
I quickly discovered that widening the ends of the Panoptics in this fashion interfered with the bridge of my nose to the extent I could not obtain my required inter-pupilary distance.  Bummer!
I kept the Dioptrx and mounted them on my 8MM and 10MM Delos EP's instead for single vision use and will likely sell the adapters.
This is just heads up for anyone considering adding Dioptrx lenses to 24MM or 19MM Panoptics for use in a bino.

August 9, 2019 03:48 AM Forum: Mounts

Ioptron AZ Pro w/ dew control?

Posted By James DellaPenna

I am contemplating someday getting this mount for a large Ed refractor.  The mount seems well designed with an internal battery to avoid cord wrap.
It would appear there is ample space on the side of the mount head to Velcro attach my Dewbuster controller but is there an accessory port for running anything like a dew controller from the battery?  It would be nice to have dew control without getting back into cord wrap issues.
Any Ioptron AZ Pro users out there who have successfully resolved this problem?
All constructive suggestions welcome.  thank you.

September 7, 2019 03:14 AM Forum: AstroMart FAQ

International transactions?

Posted By James DellaPenna

I have not sold much lately but have had many international transactions some time ago.  Due to shipping costs most international sales by necessity have to be small and lightweight but believe it or not I have shipped something as large as a C14 OTA to England!  Most international buyers know it's going to be expensive so don't be afraid to respond with higher fees for shipping, money conversion fees, or higher Paypal fees than whatever you originally agreed to in your ad.  Then the ball is in their court.  There is one international buyer who will try to get you to ship via International USPS and mark the item as "Other" on the Customs Form (to avoid Value Added Tax in his country) but the Post Office is likely to kill that avenue if they are wise to what's going on.
I would not have too much reluctance to sell to somebody with no rating as long as they are clear what it will cost to deliver the item and they agree to it.  Just make sure your payment clears.

December 23, 2019 10:10 PM Forum: TeleVue

PCV2000 Visual Paracorr question

Posted By James DellaPenna

I have long had a spare 2.00"/1.25" eyepiece adapter and forgotten where it came from.  I do use a PCV2000 Paracorr in my Starmaster.  Is it likely the Paracorr came with an adapter?  Anybody who owns one of these might shed some light on this.  Thanks.

January 5, 2020 03:04 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

PVC2000 Paracorr question

Posted By James DellaPenna

Posted this under TeleVue forum but no replies.
Does the PVC2000 Visual Paracorr come with a 2.00/1.25" adapter?  I seem to have a spare adapter in my eyepiece case and wondering if that's what it goes to.  I've been using the adapter that comes with my scope and cannot remember if the Paracorr came with one.  It's important if I change scopes and need to sell the Paracorr.  Thanks.

January 6, 2020 03:25 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

PVC2000 Paracorr question

Posted By James DellaPenna

Thanks, Greg, including catching my typo on the model number. 