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Posts Made By: James DellaPenna

January 13, 2009 01:39 AM Forum: Binoviewers

worth it??

Posted By James DellaPenna


Although more expensive than William Optics, I use the Tele Vue Standard binoviewer with the two arm power switch. My primary EP's are a pair of 24mm Panoptics with 68 degree field of view. Another good suggestion for less expensive wide field EP's would be the Orion Stratus but they are heavier than Panoptics.

The Tele Vue two arm power switch provides three different power selections with one pair of EP's so I rarely change them out for the pair of 17mm Stratus, which is my next step down in focal length. Not having to change out EP's also allows constant use of my binoviewer heat strips for dew prevention.

If you have already looked through a binoviewer you will have discovered that they provide a panoramic effect that takes one way beyond single eyepiece viewing. This effect is a trick played by your own brain but the end result blows you away. Also, since a binoviewer allows use of both eyes, you are much more relaxed and thus able to see more.

WARNING: Continued use of binoviewers may spoil you to the point you may never want to look through a scope with one eye again! Occasionally I go back to use of one eyepiece, especially for public viewing events and I find I do not like the old one-eyed view at all.

Jim D.

January 13, 2009 01:46 AM Forum: Sports

NFL Playoffs... :(

Posted By James DellaPenna

Since my team (Carolina) got slaughtered because of quarterback mistakes I'm left with another team to root for. Gotta go with the team nobody wants to play, the Ravens all the way.

Jim D.

September 20, 2009 02:37 PM Forum: A Day in the Life of the Administrator

Classified search problems

Posted By James DellaPenna

Last night I performed another sales history search for 5.1mm ED under eyepieces and it worked. A subsequent search for 12.3mm ED and a couple other sizes repeatedly defaulted into the "AM down for maintenance" message. There does not appear to be any consistency.


December 7, 2009 05:52 PM Forum: SCI-FI


Posted By James DellaPenna

The entire 2012 ending predicted by the Mayan calendar is a total misinterpretation of the Mayan calendar. It has no more meaning than December 31st on our calendar. The Mayan calendar actually makes reference to several dates many years beyond the manufactured ending. The best thing that can be said about 2012 histeria is that a lot of people will figure out how to make money from it. The movie industry already has.

May 16, 2010 12:26 PM Forum: Refractors

Antares 812 GP by Skywatcher Telescopes

Posted By James DellaPenna


Thanks for the information. This makes more sense than some of the conflicting information I have run across.


December 27, 2011 08:46 PM Forum: Politics

Seriously, off the ballot?

Posted By James DellaPenna

This is not a surprise. It is reported he has a rather weak political organization. Remember, three months ago they were saying his campaign was essentially broke. It does matter. Newt is done; he's just not aware of it yet. He will be one of the the last to understand why.

January 5, 2012 09:32 PM Forum: AstroMart FAQ

No shipping address?

Posted By James DellaPenna


As others have suggested, wait another week. If you still don't hear anything from him by then I would simply initiate the PayPal refund. Other than the buyer missing out on a 5mm T6 Nagler, nobody gets hurt. No need to anguish much about it. Then relist it and everybody has a shot at it, including the same prospective buyer.

January 19, 2012 01:28 AM Forum: Refractors


Posted By James DellaPenna


I doubt there is anything different about the optical tube but the C6RGT I believe refers to the entire scope plus the Go-To mount whereas CR150 or C6R simple refers to the optical tube assembly.

February 3, 2012 07:52 AM Forum: Mounts

CGEM Upgrade from CG-5GT - transferable parts ??

Posted By James DellaPenna


Just a question. Why is the CG5-GT overwhelmed with the C9.25? The weight of that SCT is well within the range of that mount. I'll grant you the C10N is too much.

If I recall correctly, the CG5 and CGEM mounts do not have the same counterweight shaft sizes.

November 14, 2013 06:43 PM Forum: ASTRONOMY

Nice Article on the Importance of Astronomy

Posted By James DellaPenna

Billy, kindly take it to the religion forum.