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Posts Made By: David Simper

June 1, 2005 02:51 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

Wait Times and Progress

Posted By David Simper

Receiving a custom Dob after two years waiting in next days. Paid 50% upfront and received periodic email updates along the way, albeit not so frequent towards the end. I was concerned about my money half way through when the company had rough times.
Similar experience with a different manufacturer, only here >I< am the "brake factor" as I try to find somebody to help me to make LXD-55 motors derived GOTO for the scope.

June 21, 2005 04:15 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

Quo Vadis Johnsonian pop-up scopesS

Posted By David Simper


the custom 16" on the webpage should be shipped here soon and guess what - high clouds coming after 3 months of clear skies, monsoon is here for the next 3 months cwy

June 26, 2005 04:01 AM Forum: Reflectors

Zambuto Strehl Ratio?

Posted By David Simper

At certain time point in the past Carl Zambuto stopped to provide Strehl so I doubt that he would change the policy for you. He guarantees his mirror to perform (I believe, don't quote me here) at 50x mirror's aperture. As the number would just distract you from enjoying the scope, just foget about it.
Some other companies adopted similar policy (Astrophysics, TMB comes to my mind).


July 3, 2005 04:40 AM Forum: Reflectors

My Mak and your thoughts...

Posted By David Simper

Sounds like internal reflection problem. I recall it plagues some StarMaxes.

July 21, 2005 06:02 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

Vintage this ethical?

Posted By David Simper

It is probably a model, not serial number, plus the scope offered here has screw above the word Mono but the scope which sold for $35 does not.

Edit: on closer inspection of the auction picture, the screw seems to be on both.

July 24, 2005 08:47 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Dielectric Diagonal- Yes or No?

Posted By David Simper

You probably won't be able to see any visual difference but the dielectric is much more resistant in cleaning (the lack of which would influence your picture). Check also the Stellarvue version.

August 7, 2005 05:08 PM Forum: Star Parties

GCSP Reports

Posted By David Simper

August 20, 2005 05:17 PM Forum: Refractors

Vixen ED Refractors

Posted By David Simper

The ED114 f5.3 must have FPL-53 or optically equivalent glass as this design is pushing the envelope for a fast ED doublet. It has been sold as an APO but c.a. is visible on planets but not intrusive. The specimen I have has absolutely perfect star test. I like it a lot for the purpose I use it for.
Lately Vixen is offering a f7.7 version.
This model would profit from a correcting Barlow being reportedly designed by TMB or from a Chromacor-M promised ages ago.

September 28, 2005 04:42 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

New, Unique Refractor With A Twist

Posted By David Simper

Jeffrey Kurtz said:

Fit and finish appear to be a huge step up from the typical Chinese refractor. .

Has the features of WO design, most likely they get it from the same factory like William does his hardware.

October 12, 2005 01:12 AM Forum: Refractors

Apogee APO test report from Lomo

Posted By David Simper

Jeff Peronto said:
.. For comparison, please look at this web page:
This gives interferograms for similar objectives of other brands.

Note that the pictures in the link are not interferograms.
Also, is the measured RMS value on the LOMO report written over a White-Out or is this an aberration of my eyes wink ?