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Posts Made By: Pete Brayton

February 23, 2012 05:07 PM Forum: No Holds Barred

Faster than light

Posted By Pete Brayton

Doug Matulis said:

Interesting prospects for Creationists. Could help explain vast distances and a young recent creation.

Not hardly! I see nothing in the article that indicates what you are saying is true.

March 9, 2012 06:03 PM Forum: Politics

9 Military Aircraft Pulled From Duty For Obama Cam

Posted By Pete Brayton

Dave Snope said:

Chicago Jesus gets a big chunk of the U.S. Air Force to haul his junk around to his $35,000/plate campaign events. Even with all of those planes in the air, Michelle will probably fly on Air Force 2 so she can shop the top high-fashion stores on her own schedule.

The U.S. Air Force is pulling nine cargo aircraft from military operations to support President Barrack Obama’s stepped-up visits to campaign events.

The five medium-capacity C-130s and four heavyweight C-17s will be used to ferry security vehicles, armored limousines and communications gear into cities ahead of Obama’s campaign appearances.

In the months before November, the president is expected to fly into multiple cities per week, and speak at multiple sites per day. On Mar. 8, for example, the president will fly to Richmond, and then drive over to a Rolls-Royce aircraft-parts factory. That evening, he’ll fly down to Houston, Texas.

His wife, the Vice President and many of his cabinet secretaries are using the Air Force’s fleet of VIP aircraft to visit more states as the election season speeds up.

The nine cargo aircraft will begin operations in April, said Maj. Michelle Lai, communications officer for the Air Force’s 89th Airlift Wing. “They’ll stand down in November 2012,� she said.

Read more:

You did see this part of the article didn't you?

The Air Force allocated extra aircraft to support President George W. Bush when he was running for reelection in 2004, she added.

April 8, 2012 12:39 AM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Mars with C11 and ToUcam, again

Posted By Pete Brayton

Steve Mathis said:

From last night, surprised by the seeing, I got 3 AVIs with the ToUcam and C11 @ f/30. This one is 1500 of 6000 frames, processed with AS2! and PSCS3. Thanks for looking.

Great shot Steve!

May 1, 2012 03:51 PM Forum: Off Topic Discussions

End of the world

Posted By Pete Brayton

I liked the warnings issued on 5/26/2012!

May 31, 2012 05:25 PM Forum: No Holds Barred

Just say'n

Posted By Pete Brayton

If a Democrat hears about a crime in his neighborhood, he calls the cops, and then finds out if his local police department is adequately funded.

If a Republican hears about a crime in his neighborhood, he buys a gun and gets shot by his wife when he's drunk. Unless his kid used it to shoot the neighbor kid first.

If a Democrat has a religion, he practices it at home and at church.
If a Republican has a religion, everyone must practice it in all public places, schools and courthouses.

If a Democrat isn't a homosexual, he doesn't have sex with homosexuals.
If a Republican isn't a homosexual, he wants to ban homosexuals from ever enlisting in the military and getting married (because there's nothing worse than a monogamous homosexual) but will still have sex with them in a public restroom.

If a Democrat sees his hard-working neighbor out of a job, he wonders if any of the existing economic policies cost him his job, how this can be corrected, and how society can help him until he gets back to work.
If a Republican sees his hard-working neighbor out of a job, he assumes the guy is lazy or being punished by God.

If a Democrat doesn't like a talk show host, he changes stations...and finds that they are all Republicans even though half or more Americans are Democrats.
If a Republican doesn't like a talk show host, he calls him a terrorist-loving, America-hating traitor who should be shot (or maybe that was just Rush Limbaugh).

If a Democrat has good health insurance, he wonders if others have it too and how he can help them get it.
If a Republican has good health insurance, he doesn't give a crap if other people die in the streets like unwanted dogs.

If a Democrat hears a good idea like "Love your neighbor as yourself," they try to live by it.
If a Republican hears a good idea like that, they make a long list of exceptions to the rule, to include women, minorities, immigrants, gays....

Lastly, if a Democrat gets an un-sourced email, he wonders if it was concocted by some big DC-based corporate public relations lobbying firm who knows just how to push Republicans’ buttons.
If a Republican gets an un-sourced email, he forwards it without thought because it pushed all his buttons.

June 10, 2012 02:04 PM Forum: Wildlife Photography


Posted By Pete Brayton

Nice shot Steve. I haven't seen our squirrels since the big hail storm. I hope they survived.

June 28, 2012 02:15 PM Forum: Politics

Re-electing Obama is absolutely essential

Posted By Pete Brayton

Dave Snope said:

A writer for the Communist Party USA says that “…re-electing Obama is absolutely essential,� and warns that “divisions among Democrats and a potential wave of bad economic news can combine to threaten President Obama’s reelection.�

Marxist John Case, who writes for various CPUSA publications, has written a piece, “The danger of a Romney election [1],� for the party publication People’s World, which warns that “Re-electing Obama is not sufficient to bring economic recovery or even relief to our people. Only a different class configuration in political power can do necessary minimum reforms to give us a chance. But re-electing Obama is absolutely essential. Now is not the time for hand washing the complexities and tactics away—or failing to triage the most critical questions from those that are less critical. We cannot win everything at once!�

In reality, the CPUSA’s endorsement of Obama for a second term is not surprising. Various CPUSA officials, including Jarvis Tyner and Joelle Fishman, have openly expressed support for the U.S. President and his agenda.

Holy crap Batman, what a shocking piece of journalism. I'm going to go out on a limb here and predict that a lot of members of the KKK won't be voting for Obama. wink Remember, you heard it here first!

July 28, 2012 06:28 PM Forum: Global Warming - REAL or NOT

Definitive Proof of Global Warming

Posted By Pete Brayton

Russ Carroll said:'s obviously caused by men! 8)

August 7, 2012 06:10 PM Forum: Politics

The Real Poll Numbers

Posted By Pete Brayton

Dave Snope said:

Dick Morris slams the media for their biased reporting.

The media is trying to create a sense of momentum and of inevitability about the Obama candidacy. One benighted Newsweek reporter even speculated about a possible Democratic landslide.

On Friday, I saw the real numbers. These state-by-state polls, taken by an organization I trust (after forty years of polling) show the real story. The tally is based on more than 600 likely voter interviews in each swing state within the past eight days.

The trend line is distinctly pro-Romney. Of the thirteen states studied, he improved or Obama slipped in nine states while the reverse happened in only four. To read the media, one would think that Romney had a terrible month. In fact, the exact reverse is true.
If he carries all three of these states and also wins all the others where Obama is now at 50% or less – Iowa, New Mexico, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey — he will get 351 electoral votes, a landslide about equal to Obama’s 363 vote tally in 2008.

The strong probability is that Romney does, in fact, carry Florida, Ohio, and Virginia and a share of the other states where Obama is below 50% of the vote.

So don’t believe the garbage being put out by the media. The attempt to portray Romney as not catching on and as dropping in the polls is ludicrous. It is, at best, the product of incompetent polling and, at worst, the result of deliberate media bias. But Romney is winning and expanding his lead each week. That’s the real story.

Interesting that he didn't mention any of the polls that he is basing this on...especially since he mentioned that they were from an organization that he trusts. Since he is a right-wing blogger, I'm guessing it's from a right-wing organization and therefore it's credibility is in question. You know, just like ours are too as we're constantly reminded here.

August 8, 2012 03:55 AM Forum: Politics

1,099 felons voting illegally led to Obamacare

Posted By Pete Brayton

Dave Snope said:

[COLOR="Blue"]I'm still astonished that anybody voted for a foul-mouthed nasty mud-slinging angry comedian for the important office of U.S. Senator. Shame on you, Minnesotans. James Madison said that a senator should have a “greater extent of information and stability of character�.[/COLOR]

Still, that's a total of 243 people either convicted of voter fraud or awaiting trial in an election that was decided by 312 votes. With 1,099 examples identified by Minnesota Majority, and with evidence suggesting that felons, when they do vote, strongly favor Democrats, it doesn't require a leap to suggest there might one day be proof that Al Franken was elected on the strength of voter fraud.

And that's just the question of voting by felons. Minnesota Majority also found all sorts of other irregularities that cast further doubt on the Senate results.

The election was particularly important because Franken's victory gave Senate Democrats a 60th vote in favor of President Obama's national health care proposal -- the deciding vote to overcome a Republican filibuster. If Coleman had kept his seat, there would have been no 60th vote, and no Obamacare.

And yet you guys elected...Larry Craig.