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Posts Made By: Pete Brayton

September 24, 2011 05:17 PM Forum: Insects - Flowers and Other Small Stuff - Photos

What the heck is this?

Posted By Pete Brayton

I think it's a couple of walking sticks...not necessarily walking together if you get my drift. wink
Lee Spain said:

Any idea what kind of bugs these are? 8O The big one is about four inches long.
Right now, I call it the "Get me the hell out of Florida bug!" shocked

October 31, 2011 02:18 PM Forum: Global Warming - REAL or NOT

Skeptic’s own study finds climate change real, but

Posted By Pete Brayton

Part two:
“The skeptics raised valid points and everybody should have been a skeptic two years ago,” Muller said in a telephone interview. “And now we have confidence that the temperature rise that had previously been reported had been done without bias.”

There is no reason now to be a skeptic about steadily increasing temperatures, Muller wrote recently in The Wall Street Journal’s editorial pages, a place friendly to skeptics.

Still, Muller said it makes sense to reduce the carbon dioxide created by fossil fuels.

Obviously, the guy has no idea what's going on!

November 4, 2011 04:32 PM Forum: Politics

lights out...

Posted By Pete Brayton

Jack Day said:

Personally, I believe that if the citizens took some responsibility for themselves this could actually be a positive change...

We pay an extra $1.17 a month for a security light, which is sitting in our front yard. I think it is a charge added on to everyone's electric bill as they are scattered throughout the neighborhood. They must not do that in that Detroit suburb. Too bad as it's a good way to spread out the cost. I don't mind paying for it, however I wish it had a switch so I could turn it off occasionally for astronomy.

November 9, 2011 02:05 PM Forum: Politics

Obama Admin Adds Christmas Tree Tax

Posted By Pete Brayton

Right-wing media figures are accusing the Obama administration of seeking to impose a tax on Christmas trees; but the Christmas tree industry has been working since 2008 -- before President Obama was elected -- to partner with the Department of Agriculture and establish a marketing campaign funded by tree growers in order to promote the sale of fresh Christmas trees.

Gateway Pundit blogger Jim Hoft said the "Christmas Tree Tax" illustrated that "Barack Obama hates Christians."

Far from a tax initiated by the Obama administration, the proposal to create an assessment on tree growers to fund a research and promotion program through the USDA was begun by the industry during the Bush administration.

Akin to similar programs that promote milk, beef and cotton, the Christmas tree program will impose on U.S. domestic producers and importers an initial fee of 15 cents per tree.

Damn those liberals! Nice try Dave.
Dave Snope said:

Bah, humbug. There is nothing the democrats won't tax. Now it's Christmas trees. Because they have a bad image or something. Looks like somebody's campaign donations paid off.

This could start a whole new gang world based on smuggling trees from Canada and running unstamped trees at night past the rev'nooers. Instead of scotch, the next Al Capone will be smuggling scotch pines. I can cedar violence getting out of control. We will pine fir the days when free trade Christmas trees were the rule. With all the new revenues, Obama can spruce up the dept. of agriculture hallways and buy lots more of those $16 government muffins.

Now if I was a leftard, even I could figure out that the best thing to do would be to tax the fake Christmas trees. A lot. These are made of global warming inducing petroleum products, and the proceeds would go towards promoting the CO2 sinking natural Christmas trees. You pay off the same lobbyists and look like a hero to the greens. Next year, we could also tax the Christmas lights. And candles.

President Obama’s Agriculture Department today announced that it will impose a new 15-cent charge on all fresh Christmas trees—the Christmas Tree Tax—to support a new Federal program to improve the image and marketing of Christmas trees.

In the Federal Register of November 8, 2011, Acting Administrator of Agricultural Marketing David R. Shipman announced that the Secretary of Agriculture will appoint a Christmas Tree Promotion Board. The purpose of the Board is to run a “program of promotion, research, evaluation, and information designed to strengthen the Christmas tree industry’s position in the marketplace; maintain and expend existing markets for Christmas trees; and to carry out programs, plans, and projects designed to provide maximum benefits to the Christmas tree industry� (7 CFR 1214.46(n)). And the program of “information� is to include efforts to “enhance the image of Christmas trees and the Christmas tree industry in the United States� (7 CFR 1214.10).

To pay for the new Federal Christmas tree image improvement and marketing program, the Department of Agriculture imposed a 15-cent fee on all sales of fresh Christmas trees by sellers of more than 500 trees per year (7 CFR 1214.52). And, of course, the Christmas tree sellers are free to pass along the 15-cent Federal fee to consumers who buy their Christmas trees.

November 15, 2011 03:31 PM Forum: Politics

Kagan Must Recuse Herself on Obamacare Case

Posted By Pete Brayton

David Wagner said:

Well, the bias-cat is pretty much outta the bag on this one... no wonder the "most transparent Administration in history" didn't want to let the records and emails out...

If one reads what her emails SAY, and

If one reads 28 USC 455 says *requires* recusal

She must recuse herself from the case.

She has directly expressed opinion on legislation (while in governmental employ) that will be coming up under her for judgement.

Game. Set. Match.

Here kitty, kitty. Well then Thomas had better recuse himself too:

"Justice Thomas personally has aligned himself with political activists and organizations dedicated to thwarting the law," HCAN Executive Director Ethan Rome said Thursday. "There is simply no way that Justice Thomas can render a fair decision in this important case."

Thomas' failure to report on disclosure forms $1.6 million his wife Virginia received from conservative anti-health care reform groups is the grist for accusations that he has a conflict of interest.

I play tennis too, at the 4.0 level, USTA.

December 15, 2011 01:54 AM Forum: After Dark

Lunar Eclipse

Posted By Pete Brayton

I took this picture Saturday morning at 6:34 am. Nikon D50 w/300 mm telephoto. The moon was conveniently setting between the two houses across the street.

December 16, 2011 03:04 PM Forum: My Favorite WIMP.COM or YOUTUBE.COM

Clyde Tombaugh and Pluto

Posted By Pete Brayton

Deb Harper said:

Charming NOVA show, The Pluto Files, in which the host visits Tombaugh's widow and children and sees the homemade telescopes Tombaugh made from old tractor parts, lawnmowers and pop cans. Also the stained glass window celebrating his life in his church.

And discusses the controversy about what the heck is the definition of a planet, anyway?

I met Dr. Tombaugh in Las Cruces, NM when I was a freshman in college. I was riding my bike one day and noticed what looked like an observatory alongside of someone's house. There was a gray-haired, bent-over, older gentleman doing yard work who, when I stopped to look he called me over and introduced himself to me. He gave me a tour of his observatory and even offered me a cold drink. I was in awe the whole time and had to keep reminding myself to not say something stupid or gush too much! I forget his title, but he was a guest lecturer/honorary professor at New Mexico State University. I will never forget that day!

December 18, 2011 02:31 PM Forum: Politics

Obama: I'm 4th Best President In American History

Posted By Pete Brayton

Dave Snope said:

From 60 Minutes interview last week. Yet another glaring example of his NPD.

60 Minutes cut that part of the interview before airing the show. The Obamedia always protects their interests.

Kind of reminds me of this photo. What was it about 8 years premature? Just a friendly reminder of another glaring example...

February 7, 2012 09:32 PM Forum: Politics

Social Conservatives Lose Again

Posted By Pete Brayton

David Cotterell said:

Do social conservatives ever get tired of being shot down like this?


No David they don't. We'll probably have another "personhood" amendment here in Colorado this election year.

February 10, 2012 12:54 PM Forum: Politics

So Much for "Restoring Science"

Posted By Pete Brayton

Andreas Saldivar said:

If Obama wins another term it will be doubtful if the US even has a space program when he's through.


Yes, and this guy will help help to "restore science" too, huh?

Teaching of evolution and intelligent design
Main article: Santorum Amendment
Santorum added a provision to the 2001 No Child Left Behind bill that would have promoted questioning of the theory of evolution in public school science classes and required the teaching of intelligent design along with evolution.[32][33] The bill, with the Santorum Amendment included, passed the Senate 91-8[32][34] and was hailed as a victory by intelligent design theory promoters.[35][36][37][38] Before the bill became law, however, scientific and educational groups successfully urged the conference committee for the bill to strike the Santorum Amendment from the final bill. Intelligent design supporters in Congress then preserved the language of the Santorum Amendment in the conference committee report of the legislative history of the bill.[35][36][37][38][39] The Discovery Institute and other intelligent design proponents have repeatedly invoked this report as proof that Congress intended that the teaching of intelligent design should be required in public school science classes.[40][41]
In 2002, Santorum called intelligent design "a legitimate scientific theory that should be taught in science classes."[42] By 2005, though, he had adopted the Teach the Controversy approach.[43][44] He told National Public Radio, "I'm not comfortable with intelligent design being taught in the science classroom. What we should be teaching are the problems and holes ... in the theory of evolution."[45] Later that year, Santorum resigned from the advisory board of the Christian-rights Thomas More Law Center after the Center's lawyers lost a case representing a school board that had required the teaching of intelligent design.[46] Santorum, who had previously supported the school board's policy indicated he had not realized that certain members of the board had been motivated by religious beliefs.[46] Santorum critics claimed he was backtracking from his earlier position because he was facing a tough reelection fight for 2006.[46] When asked in November 2011 about his views on evolution, Santorum stated that he believes that evolution occurred on a tiny, micro level.[47]