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Posts Made By: Pete Brayton

October 20, 2009 05:37 PM Forum: Politics

Still not sure...

Posted By Pete Brayton

Nice picture you posted there David! Kind of reminds me of this one.

January 16, 2010 09:24 PM Forum: Politics

Re: Is health care "reform" scaring away good doct

Posted By Pete Brayton

The IBD story showing that 45% of doctors would quit if Obama's healthcare plan was passed was actually more of an editorial based on a poorly executed survey of a relatively small amount of doctors. First it was a mail-in response poll, which generally is only completed by people who really have strong opinions, but are generally not regarded as being very accurate. Roughly 25,000 surveys were sent out with a return rate of about 5%. I read the survey questions and they were written in such a way as to generate a negative response. By the way, the survey was sent out in August of 2009. Another study done by the New England Journal of Medicine gives a more moderated view of doctors' opinions of Obama's healthcare plan.

March 3, 2010 07:27 PM Forum: Politics

Obama solves the "promptor" issue...

Posted By Pete Brayton

I gotta admit...that's pretty funny! Did you make that or find it?

March 26, 2010 02:20 PM Forum: Digital SLR AstroPhotography

M 63

Posted By Pete Brayton

In a word, WOW.

April 6, 2010 06:19 PM Forum: Politics

Hope and Change in India

Posted By Pete Brayton

So would this be more evidence of the wonderful health insurance companies and all of the good that they do for us? You know, like outsourcing their work to other countries instead of putting Americans to work. I'm so glad that we've been protecting their bottom lines. Also, last week there was an article in the Denver Post about some insurance companies already planning on screwing children with pre-existing conditions by not dropping the kids from their parents insurance policies, BUT they would not cover specific things for the children like diabetes and cancer treatment. Got love those insurance companies!
david elosser said:

"The bulge in [health care reform's] administrative work may look like a nightmare to American insurance firms and government employees. But to outsourcing executives here in India, it’s heaven-sent. A number of Indian companies are already anticipating an increase in workload thanks to Obama's healthcare law...This extra work will include processing new enrollments, organizing bigger member databases, processing more claims, providing more support services, and managing more revenue, he says...a recent Deloitte Center for Health Solutions study [shows] that up to 41 percent of the cost of a health plan is administrative...The US healthcare reform offers a "natural extension" of the back-office outsourcing that Indian companies already specialize in..."

David E

April 7, 2010 03:39 PM Forum: Politics

Senate majority leader at his best...

Posted By Pete Brayton

Can you provide the source of these quotes?
Mike Strieber said:

"In one of the stranger moments on the campaign trail today, an audience member at Comma Coffee in Carson City asked U.S. Sen. Harry Reid what he is doing to encourage immigrant women of child-bearing age to come to the United States."

"Let me answer it this way: I'm not opposed to sex," he said to a few moments of silence before the crowd began laughing."

"Reid then gave a shout out to Tiger Woods, who is attempting a come back after being caught philandering."

Just another example of why Harry Reid needs to go. The personality of a sea urchin combined with the faculties of vegetable. Any wonder why he's behind in the polls to everyone from five republican candidates to Charles Manson?

June 6, 2010 01:27 PM Forum: Politics

Forget All Crises, Forget All Crises...

Posted By Pete Brayton

This post put me to sleep. What's your point?
Lee Spain said:

You are getting sleepy.
You are getting sleepy.
Forget the oil spill. Forget the oil spill.
Forget the bribery scandal. Forget the bribery scandal.
They caught joran van der sloot.

June 6, 2010 01:28 PM Forum: Digital SLR AstroPhotography

ISS and the Moon

Posted By Pete Brayton

Nice pictures Steve. Good timing too!

August 21, 2010 11:28 PM Forum: ASTRONOMY

`Star Gazer' host Jack Horkheimer....

Posted By Pete Brayton

Guess we'll just have to "keep looking up" to watch him now!
Gary Carter said:

`Star Gazer' host Jack Horkheimer has passed away....

September 30, 2010 06:06 PM Forum: Politics

The Leftists are getting crazy desperate!!! Admitting the truth about themselves!

Posted By Pete Brayton

"and hundreds more lefty fringe groups... Every fringe/wacko outfit you can image is there!

It's a veritable who's who of socialists, statist, leftists, and communists... all trying to save the Democrats and Obama's butts in time for November 2nd!"

Like the United Methodist Church!!! Wow, I didn't now that I was raised by the Methodists to be such a wacko, socialist, commie, yada, yada, yada! smile