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Posts Made By: Dwight Bogan

March 5, 2006 06:56 PM Forum: Politics

Who Served in the US Military and who did not

Posted By Dwight Bogan

Always like to see who in politics served in the US Armed forces. Since I'm a Democrat and a libral I should let all know for the Record I served in the US Air Force from October 16 1972 to February 27 1978 I worked as an Aircraft Mechanic 43151C on F4 C's, D's and the E model as well as the F15 I was at Osan Air Base South Korea from Sept 1973 to Sept 1974 where I spent the rest of my time at Luke AFB Glendale Ariz til 1978

Who served in the military?
Prominent Democrats

--House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt - Served his country in uniform, 1965-71
House Minority Whip David Bonior - Served his country in uniform, 1968-72
--Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle - Served his country in uniform, 1969-72
--Former Vice President Al Gore - Served his country in uniform, 1969-71; recipient of Vietnam Service Medal
--Bob Kerrey... Democrat... Congressional Medal of Honor, Vietnam
--Daniel Inouye... Democrat... Congressional Medal of Honor, World War Two
--John Kerry... Democrat...Silver Star & Bronze Star, Vietnam
--Charles Rangel...Democrat... Bronze Star, Korea
--Max Cleland... Democrat... Silver Star & Bronze Star, Vietnam
--Howell Heflin... Democrat... Silver Star
--Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) - U.S. Army, 1951-1953.
--Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) - U.S. Navy, 1962-67; Naval Reserve, 1968-74.
--Rep. Leonard Boswell (D-IA) - two tours in Vietnam, two Distinguished Flying Crosses as a helicopter pilot, two Bronze Stars, and the Soldier's Medal.
--Ambassador "Pete" Peterson, Air Force Captain, POW, Democratic congressman, Ambassador to Viet Nam, and recipient of the Purple Heart, the Silver Star and the Legion of Merit
--Rep. Mike Thompson, D-CA: served in combat with the U.S. Army as a staff sergeant/platoon leader with the 173rd Airborne Brigade; was wounded and received a Purple Heart.

Prominent Republicans

--Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert - avoided the draft, did not serve.
--Majority Leader Dick Armey- avoided the draft, did not serve.
--Majority Whip Tom Delay - avoided the draft, did not serve. "So many minority youths had volunteered ... that there was literally no room for patriotic folks like himself."
--Senate Minority Leader Trent Lott - avoided the draft, did not serve.
--GW Bush - decided that a six-year Nat'l Guard commitment really means four years. Still says that he's "been to war." Huh?
--VP Cheney - several deferments, the last by marriage (in his own words, "had other priorities than military service")
--Att'y Gen. John Ashcroft - sought deferment to teach business ed at SW Missouri State
--Karl Rove - avoided the draft, did not serve, too busy being a Republican.
--Former Speaker Newt Gingrich - avoided the draft, did not serve
--Former President Ronald Reagan - served in a noncombat role. He later seems to have confused his role as an actor playing a tail gunner with the real thing.
--"B-1" Bob Dornan - avoided Korean War combat duty by enrolling in college acting classes (Orange County Register article)
--Phil Gramm - avoided the draft, did not serve, four (?) student deferments
--Senator John McCain - McCain's naval honors include the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Legion of Merit, Purple Heart and Distinguished Flying Cross. Why did the Bush campaign smear him so?
--Former Senator Bob Dole - an honorable man.
--Chuck Hagel - two Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star, Vietnam.
--Duke Cunningham - nominated for the Medal of Honor, received the Navy Cross, two Silver Stars, fifteen Air Medals, the Purple Heart, and several other decorations

Here are a few more...


--Gray Davis, California Governor, served in Vietnam.
--Chuck Robb, US Senator from Virginia, served in Vietnam
--George McGovern, famous liberal, awarded Silver Star & DFC, dozens of missions during WWII.
--Pete Stark, D-CA, served in the Air Force


--Don Nickles, Senate Minority Whip - Did not serve
--Senator Richard Shelby, did not serve
--JC Watts - did not serve
--Jack Kemp, did not serve
--Dan Quayle, avoided Vietnam service, got a slot in the journalism unit of the Indiana National Guard when the unit was at 150% capacity
--Eliot Abrams, did not serve
--Vin Weber, did not serve
--Richard Perle, did not serve (is the current bloodshed in the Middle East a direct result of his treasonous meddling in Clinton Administrstion foreign policy?)
--Rudy Giuliani, did not serve. Giuliani did show bravery on September 11th, unlike Bush who ran and hid...
--John Engler, did not serve
--Tom Ridge, Bronze Star for Valor in Vietnam
--Representative Sam R. Johnson, combat missions in both Korea and Vietnam, POW in Hanoi from April 1966 to February 1973
(don't ever run for president Sam, they'll spread rumors that you're crazy)
--Congresswoman Heather Wilson, served in the Air Force

Puditocracy and Preacher-types (See also Media Whores Online)
--George Will, did not serve
--Chris Matthews, Mediawhore, did not serve.
--Bill O'Reilly, did not serve
--Paul Gigot, did not serve.
--Bill Bennett, Did not serve
--Pat Buchanan, did not serve
--Rush Limbaugh, did not serve
--John Wayne, did not serve
--Pat Robertson - did not serve, apparently used Daddy's connections to get off the ship in Tokyo while his buddies went on to Korea.
Bill Kristol, did not serve


--Gov. Jesse Ventura, U.S. Navy SEAL training, did UDT work
--Senator Jim Jeffords, U.S. Navy 1956-1959

Clear Skies
Dwight L Bogan

March 5, 2006 07:02 PM Forum: Politics

One of my favorite LA Times articles. Bush family

Posted By Dwight Bogan

Published on Sunday, February 8, 2004 by The Los Angeles Times

Bush Family Values: War, Wealth, Oil
Four generations have created an unsavory web of links that could prove an election-year Achilles' heel for the president
by Kevin Phillips

Four generations have created an unsavory web of links that could prove an election-year Achilles' heel for the president.

Despite February polls showing President Bush losing his early reelection lead, he's still the favorite. No modern president running unopposed in his party's primaries and caucuses has ever lost in November.

But there may be a key to undoing that precedent. The two Bush presidencies are so closely linked, especially over Iraq, that the 43rd can't be understood apart from the 41st. Beyond that, for a full portrait of what the Bushes are about, we must return to the family's emergence on the national scene in the early 20th century.

This four-generation evolution of the Bushes involves multiple links that could become Bush's election-year Achilles' heel - if a clever and tough 2004 Democratic opponent can punch and slice at them. Massachusetts Sen. John F. Kerry, the clear Democratic front-runner, could be best positioned to do so. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, he investigated the Iran-Contra and Bank of Credit and Commerce International scandals, both of which touched George H.W. Bush's Saudi, Iraqi and Middle Eastern arms-deal entanglements.

Washington lawyer Jack Blum, the ace investigator for Kerry's subcommittee back then, is said to be advising him now, which could be meaningful. Ironically, the Bush family's century of involvement in oil, armaments and global intrigue has never been at the center of the national debate since the Bushes starting running for president in 1980.

The reason? Insufficient public knowledge. The only Bush biography published before George H.W. Bush won election in 1988 was a puff job written by a former press secretary, and the biographies of George W. Bush in 2000 barely mentioned his forefathers. Millions of Republicans who have loyally voted for Bushes in three presidential elections simply have no idea. Here are circumstances and biases especially worth noting.

The Bushes and the military-industrial complex: George H. Walker and Samuel Prescott Bush were the dynasty's founding fathers during the years of and after World War I. Walker, a St. Louis financier, made his mark in corporate reorganizations and war contracts. By 1919, he was enlisted by railroad heir W. Averell Harriman to be president of Wall Street-based WA Harriman, which invested in oil, shipping, aviation and manganese, partly in Russia and Germany, during the 1920s. Sam Bush, the current president's other great-grandfather, ran an Ohio company, Buckeye Steel Castings, that produced armaments. In 1917, he went to Washington to head the small arms, ammunition and ordnance section of the federal War Industries Board. Both men were present at the emergence of what became the U.S. military-industrial complex.

Prescott Bush, the Connecticut senator and grandfather of the current president, had some German corporate ties at the outbreak of World War II, but the better yardstick of his connections was his directorships of companies involved in U.S. war production. Dresser Industries, for example, produced the incendiary bombs dropped on Tokyo and made gaseous diffusion pumps for the atomic bomb project. George H.W. Bush later worked for Dresser's oil-services businesses. Then, as CIA director, vice president and president, one of his priorities was the U.S. weapons trade and secret arms deals with Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and the moujahedeen in Afghanistan.
In his 1961 farewell address, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned about how "we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex." That complex's recent mega-leap to power came under George H.W. Bush and even more under George W. Bush - with the post-9/11 expansion of the military and creation of the Department of Homeland Security. But armaments and arms deals seem to have been in the Bushes' blood for nearly a century.

Oil: The Bushes' ties to John D. Rockefeller and Standard Oil go back 100 years, when Rockefeller made Buckeye Steel Castings wildly successful by convincing railroads that carried their oil to buy heavy equipment from Buckeye. George H. Walker helped refurbish the Soviet oil industry in the 1920s, and Prescott Bush acquired experience in the international oil business as a 22-year director of Dresser Industries. George H.W. Bush, in turn, worked for Dresser and ran his own offshore oil-drilling business, Zapata Offshore. George W. Bush mostly raised money from investors for oil businesses that failed. Currently, the family's oil focus is principally in the Middle East.

Enron is another family connection. The company's Kenneth L. Lay made his first connections with George H.W. Bush in the early 1980s when the latter was working on energy deregulation. When Bush became president in 1989, he gave Lay two prominent international roles: membership on the President's Export Council and the task of planning for a G-7 summit in Houston. Lay parlayed that exposure into new business overseas and clout with Washington agencies. Family favoritism soon followed. When Bush senior lost the 1992 election, Lay picked up with son George W., first in Texas and then as a top contributor to Bush's 2000 presidential campaign. Before Enron imploded in late 2001, it had more influence in a new administration than any other corporation in memory.

The intelligence community: Bushes and Walkers have been involved with the intelligence community since World War I. The importance of Sam Bush's wartime munitions-regulating role was obvious. During the 1920s, when George H. Walker was doing a lot of business in Russia and Germany, he became a director of the American International Corporation, formed during the war for purposes of overseas investment and intelligence-gathering. Prescott Bush's pre-1941 corporate and banking contacts with Germany, sensationalized on many Internet sites, appear to have been passed along to officials in government and intelligence circles.

George H.W. Bush may have had CIA connections before the agency's unsuccessful Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in 1961. A number of published sources suggest that Zapata Offshore was a CIA front long before he went on to become director of Central Intelligence in 1976. As for George W. Bush, his limited ties are said to have come through investments in, and buyouts of, several of his oil businesses by CIA- and BCCI-connected firms and individuals.

Top 1% economics: Over four generations, the Bush family has been involved with more than 20 securities firms, banks, brokerage houses and investment management firms, ranging from Wall Street giants like Brown Brothers Harriman and E.F. Hutton to small firms like J. Bush & Co. and Riggs Investment Management Corp. This relentless record of handling money for rich people has bred a vocational hauteur. In their eyes, the economic top 1% of Americans are the ones who count. Investors and their inheritors are favored - a good explanation of why George W. Bush has cut taxes on both dividends and estates, where most of the benefit goes to the top 1%. Over the course of George H.W. Bush's career, he was close to a number of the merger kings and leveraged-buyout specialists of the 1980s who came from Oklahoma and Texas: T. Boone Pickens, Henry Kravis and Hugh Liedtke. "Little guy" economics has almost no niche in the Bush economic worldview.

Debt and deficits: Whenever a Bush is president, private debt and government deficits seem to grow. Middle- and low-income Americans borrow to offset the income squeeze of recessions. The hallmark of Bush economics during both presidencies has been favoritism toward capital over workers. Federal budget deficits have soared because of a combination of upper-bracket tax favors, middle-income job shrinkage, big federal spending to hype election-year economic growth, huge defense outlays and overseas military spending for the wars in Iraq and elsewhere. Imperial hubris costs a lot of money.

Politically, over four generations the Bush past has been prologue. Despite George W. Bush's new good ol' boy image - cowboy boots and born-again ties to the religious right - his basic tendencies go in the same directions - oil, crony capitalism, top 1% economics and military-industrial-establishment loyalties - that the previous Bush and Walker generations have traveled. The old biases and loyalties seem ineradicable; so, too, for old grudges, like the two-generation fixation on Saddam Hussein.

The presidency is an old Bush ambition. As early as the 1940s, Barbara Bush talked to friends about becoming first lady. The current president's grandfather, Prescott Bush, told his wife before he retired in 1962 that he wished he'd been president. By 1963, George W. Bush, a student at Andover Academy, was talking about his own father's desire to be president.

In short, the word "dynasty" fits the Bushes all too well. They have had plenty of time to sort out their ambitions, loyalties and intentions. They know what they're in politics for - although this year may pose a new problem. The American people are also starting to find out.

Kevin Phillips' new book, just published, is "American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush."

Copyright 2004 Los Angeles Times

July 21, 2006 09:52 PM Forum: Politics

Re: Another Dem without a plan, just more whine

Posted By Dwight Bogan

So Bob you point is. Advertisers have been doing this for decades. Its supposed to be up to the parents to decide what is right for their own kids. Someone has to speak out against advertisers. It was activities like this that got cigarrette commericals pulled from television in the late 1960's. So yes I'm all for reigning in advertisers.

Clear Skies
Dwight L Bogan

July 22, 2006 12:11 AM Forum: Politics

Bush Pilot

Posted By Dwight Bogan

I keeping with the humour of this group I thought I'd post this link I was sent earlier this week. Who do you think really is controlling the Bush

Clear Skies
Dwight L Bogan

August 2, 2006 03:27 PM Forum: Politics

Bush and the Goldilocks economy

Posted By Dwight Bogan

Since I'm on vacation I could not research this adequately but it was said several nights ago on the National ABC News that 1 in 8 eligible working males have given up looking for work in the USA. Could it be that high? That is near 13 % unemployment or underemployment in this country. That's a pretty dismal figure. While I'm currently in Michigan visiting I've noticed a lot of homes for sale not moving and the prices are as much as 30% lower than in Phoenix Ariz. I also saw an advertisement for Uhaul rentals that they would give a substantial discount if you bring the truck or trailer you rented back to the issuing store. I'm wondering where these people who are leaving Michigan are going too. Not unless they have very special skills not normally found on the job market there does not seem to be much out there.

Clear Skies
Dwight L Bogan

August 11, 2006 12:03 PM Forum: Politics

Re: AlGore caught

Posted By Dwight Bogan

For the same reason any Republican can go out and say one thing and do another. How many Republicans out there you know championing saving the enviroment. Not one I know off. If anything they want more reckless consumption. More light pollution, air pollution and so on after all its good for the economy.

But the current Republican distraction beats all. Exploding sportsdrinks this is a rip, Only Karl Rove could dream this one up.

Still think Snakes loose on a airplane would be more of a problem

Clear Skies
Dwight L Bogan

August 11, 2006 02:18 PM Forum: Politics

Karl Rove Plot exposed

Posted By Dwight Bogan

Found this one on AOL I've been beaten to the truth again.


Well, here we go again! How many time can the Rove, Bush, Blaire, Corporate complex use for the third time the "Wag The Dog" operation to get political movement. There will, be Terrorist and rummers of Terrorist!! Today July 10, 2006 "The Never ending War On Terrorism" is captured in the third Wag The Dog scare to get advantage in another election event, that in November, 2006! But Democrats cannot directly bring up this issue because there may be an out side chance that some fanatic does bomb an airliner!
The conspiracy theory and the calling of a president a lie has already been made an activity of a Cooke and the desperate. Therefore, Americans shy away from these activities and are therefore, limited to the line of a "Terrorist or Individual" acting alone in desperation.
But there is another very, very important part of this mix that has not been properly underlined. The basic underlying actor(s) in this hate of Americans which has produced the terrorist is the historical activities of the corporations which has Terrorized and worlds people by exploiting, reaping the population, taking the resources for their profit while hiding in the United States and letting the world think that the American people are the "Ugly Americans!" That is why we are solely hated by Third World and Muslims alike. It is that only recently that the Muslims have become overtly fanatic enough to vent violence on what they see as their nemesis-The American people.
Yes, the architects of the "New World Order" has arranged for the focus to be away them and in doing so has enabled the armies of American and the World to fight in their service to protect their private for profit operations to continue their ravaging of the world!! In the mean time they make money, money, and more money!!

Dr. J. Alva Scruggs, BS. Chemistry, MS. Chemistry,
MA. Urban Planning, Doctorate, Education Administration
Look Forward to Your Comments
Website ;

August 21, 2006 03:06 PM Forum: Politics

Here's a new rant I ran across

Posted By Dwight Bogan

I had this Email recently sent to me from one of my coworkers

Have fun reading I did.

Dwight L Bogan

The real laws of chemistry behind the alleged liquid bomber terrorists…

Nickel Ranttm:

Liquid Bombers Prove:
"They Hate Our Freedoms!"
by Edgar J. Steele
August 19, 2006

"You can fool some of the people all of the time
And you can fool all of the people some of the time,
But you can't fool all of the people all of the time."
--- Abraham Lincoln, 16th US President (1809-1865)

"Fool me once, shame on — shame on you.
Fool me ... unnnhhh ... you can't get fooled again."

--- George W. Bush, 43rd US President (Nashville, Tenn., 9/17/02)

My name is Edgar J. Steele.

This is a Nickel Rant.

Muslims were planning to blow up a bunch of jetliners enroute from London to America - or so say George Bush and Tony Blair.

Muslims without tickets.

Muslims without passports.

Muslims without bombs.

Muslims without a clue ... and they aren't the only ones, it turns out.

Without a clue, that is.

What kind of bombs? TATP bombs, short for triacetone triperoxide. What's more, Bush and Blair told us that Muslims favor the TATP bomb, mixed on the spot with separate liquids. With that lie, both Bush and Blair foreclosed any possibility that the Muslims involved actually were guilty. With that lie, both Bush and Blair disclosed themselves for the treasonous, lying criminals that they are. Why? Glad you asked.

To Build the Impossible Bomb

You see ... it can't be done. It quite simply cannot be done. Not in any airplane toilet. Not with any resources that might be available aboard any airplane other than Tom Swift's Flying Lab. Not with the time afforded by a Trans-Atlantic flight. And certainly - not by anybody without chemistry lab training and experience - not under the circumstances claimed, anyway.

If Muslims favor TATP bombs - and there is evidence to support the claim that Muslims use TATP bombs - then Muslims who might do so know full well the limitations and hazards inherent to such an explosive. No Muslim in his right mind would attempt what has been claimed, because he would know it can't be done - and, believe me, doing it under any circumstances would require a Muslim in his right mind. At best, the guy simply would kill himself, and do little damage to the plane's toilet. Regardless, nobody would be allowed the opportunity to spend hours in the toilet ... not aboard a jetliner. In a moment, I will prove to you why TATP simply cannot be made aboard jetliners, but first, please be really clear about the significance of that fact: that it conclusively proves Bush and Blair to be lying weasels. Not just dumb. Not just stupid. Lying, treasonous, unforgivable, murdering bastards.
TATP or Not TATP? - That is the Question
A friend with a doctorate in chemistry sent me the following:
"According to the official government story, TATP (triacetone triperoxide) was the explosive these conspirators were planning to manufacture aboard the airliners.
"This story is not plausible for a number of reasons, but let's take a quick look at just enough of the science so as not to provide anybody with a guide to making an actual bomb: TATP is made from hydrogen peroxide solution, acetone and sulfuric acid. The reaction can be carried out with just about any concentration, but is best done with concentrated solutions of both peroxide and acetone.
"The peroxide and acetone can be pre-mixed, but the acid must be added, a drop at a time, to the solution, all the while continuously stirring it and keeping it continuously chilled. This step of the process will take several hours, during which the fumes given off will be substantial and quite overpowering, thus a lab-quality air evacuation system is required. (ES: right here, the whole idea of a TATP bomb becomes ludicrous. Difficult in a lab, but impossible in an airplane due to the environment - the toilet - and the time requirement.)

"One then must let the resulting solution stand for an extended period at temperatures above the freezing point, but definitely below 10 Celsius (50 Fahrenheit). Above 10 Celsius, the TATP does not form; instead, diperoxide forms, which is so unstable it cannot be worked with. The time required for the reaction to go to completion is at least 24 hours and often several days.

"Once the TATP forms, it crystallizes as snowflakes from the solution and must be harvested by filtration and the liquid discarded. The TATP then is dried and carefully stored until needed. It must be stored below 10 Celsius or it converts spontaneously to the unstable diperoxide.

"There is neither the time, the workspace nor the other materials required to make TATP on an airliner. The time required, the temperatures required, the workspace required and the need to dry the chemical prior to use preclude this story being reasonable. This chemical process is much more sensitive than making, for example, nitroglycerin."

The technically proficient reading this will recognize that a necessary step has been omitted and some others have been altered in critical ways. None of these purposeful camouflages alter the ingredients or the time, care and equipment required. Nor will I describe how TATP can be fabricated beforehand and then detonated aboard an airliner in flight. After all, though we want to demonstrate the impossibility of what has been claimed, we don't want anybody actually trying this at home - and there really are some genuine whack jobs out there. After all, we elect some of them to public office.

An excellent (and humorous) on-line discussion by British writer Thomas Greene, also as to why TATP simply cannot be made aboard a plane: "Mass murder in the skies: was the plot feasible?


Mr. Greene agrees with my friend, the PhD in chemistry, and concludes his description of the process of creating TATP with: "So the fabled binary liquid explosive - that is, the sudden mixing of hydrogen peroxide and acetone with sulfuric acid to create a plane-killing explosion, is out of the question."
So it's impossible to make TATP as claimed, yet still they confiscate liquids from us, including sodas and baby formula, not to mention toothpaste and, even, lipsticks? Even if possible to make TATP as claimed, the individual smells of peroxide, acetone and sulfuric acid are obvious enough to preclude people having to be shaken down and terrorized by the airport Gestapo in this fashion. You have to wonder: Just exactly what is going on?
Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them
Incidentally, British officials often claim that the "London 7/7" train/bus bombings, without any proof whatsoever, were done by Muslims with TATP in their backpacks. Those explosions, per eyewitnesses, came from beneath the floors


where the explosive had to have been placed earlier, then detonated either remotely or via timer. And Blair fed Bush some of the lies he has been caught out in by so many. Need any more proof that Blair is a liar, as well?
Did you know that, with a huge and increasingly restless Muslim population in England, only 12% of all British Muslims arrested on terror charges ever end up being charged with a crime, while only 2% get convicted

, almost always of something minor and never of anything related to terrorism? You heard about the arrests, though, didn't you? Why the difference? Because the war on terror quite simply is a war on us, not on Muslims.

In the government's eyes, we are the terrorists. In the memorable words of my buddy, Al: "The Patriot Act - so named because it was designed to find and eliminate Patriots before they expose how corrupt our government has become." Why does government fear us so? What does it know that we do not? In other words, exactly what is it that our government officials intend to do to us, such that they feel the need to create a police state so as to protect themselves from us?

They Hate Our Freedoms

Don't forget: They hate our freedoms. Bush, Blair and the others, that is. Not the Muslims. However, the Muslims are getting downright pissed about our wading into their countries, either directly or via Israel, then killing and maiming everybody in sight and destroying their villages, roads and cities. The Muslims now have every reason to hate us. Honestly - do you really blame them?

One week after 9/11, in a televised speech to Congress


Bush laid down the mantra - his justification for eternal war: "Americans are asking, why do they hate us? ... They hate our freedoms..."
I nearly puked when I first heard Bush say it. I cannot tell you the response it now provokes, else they would come and take me away, for sure.

Just for fun, click here

for an excellent video accounting by MSNBC's otherwise lamentable Joe Scarborough on the verbal and mental acuity of our President.
Bush has run out of the sort of lies that "fool all of the people some of the time." Now he is left only with fooling "some of the people all of the time." Regrettably, those people, who believe anything told them by CNN and Fox News, are beyond our reach because, as comedian Ron White likes to say: "You can't fix stupid!" There is a segment of both America and Britain that quite simply will roll along, believing anything that Bush, Blair and their controlled media have to say.

However, now you and I know better, don't we? In fact, most of us no longer believe anything that Bush and Blair tell us. What's more, we now know better than to believe anything Bush and Blair ever did tell us!

Yes, it has become more than clear why there is so much killing all around the world these days. They hate our freedoms. There's only one problem: "They" are you, Mr. Bush ... you and the other members of the blood-thirsty and oil-hungry Zionist regime running America, Britain, Israel and most of the rest of the Western

World these days.

You clearly have demonstrated, Mr. Bush, with your appointment of Zionists and incompetent sycophants (all too often, one and the same) into every crack, crevice and cubby of your administration, with your stacking of the courts, with your abandonment of the rule of law, with your purging of the military officer corps, with your shocking misuse of our military enlisted personnel and with your treasonous disdain for the Constitution ... that it is you who hates our freedoms! You sort of told us the truth back in 2001. What you neglected to mention was that you meant your entire administration and the criminal cabal for which you are but a belly-crawling, lickspittle lackey.

You first proved just whom you meant hated our freedoms with your abysmally-misnamed Patriot Act. With the increasing revelations of your involvement in 9/11, still more of us awakened. Torture. Murder. Illegal spying on us. Now, with event after event, lie after lie, there is a huge number of Americans wise to your lying. And our number grows every day!

To Dream the Impossible Dream

Meanwhile, your days are numbered, Mr. Bush. First, we're going to replace every single Congressman, Republican and Democrat alike, who voted you the right to conduct war in our name without a formal declaration - every single Congressman who voted support for Israel's campaign of genocide against innocent civilians in the Middle East. Lieberman was just the first. Then we're going to impeach and convict you, then remove you from office, for the highest crimes ever committed against America by a sitting President. Then, Mr. Bush, you will be handed over to an appropriate tribunal to be tried for your war crimes. Finally, Mr. President, it will be our singular honor and pleasure to witness your being hanged by the neck until you are dead, as judges like to say, for your unspeakable crimes against humanity, both at home and abroad.
Oh ... and, Mr. Bush? May your soul burn in Hell for all of eternity.

My name is Edgar J. Steele. Thanks for listening.

September 14, 2006 06:46 PM Forum: Politics

Re: Assassination

Posted By Dwight Bogan

Whacked out left wing movie? I thought that this was a British film meant for British television? Since when did a assassination movie of Bush have to be from the liberals.

Whacked out Yeah I have to agree with you their since the movie has Bush being assassinated in Chicago in Nov of 2007 kind of pointless he might as well finish out his term he has already done all the damage to the country, we might as well let him take the country to new lows.

Look at it this way. George Bush is one of Osama Bin Ladens disciples. He has single handedly divided this nation like it has not seen since the civil war. He has the Debt to all time highs. He cleared out the surplus that was at the beginning of his administration and as far as the national debt being cleared out by 2012 you can forget that. More people have lost their jobs and have had to take on new jobs at substantial cuts in their former salaries. Home foreclosures are up over 50 % nationally since last year. We have an ongoing war in Iraq we are responsible for. We now owe the Iraqi's big time and there is no backing out now. We will still be in Iraq in 2020 and even longer. The Taliban is making a come back in Afghanistan. This whole so called war on terror has turned into a disaster. We have lost credibility with our allies and our former adversaries are all laughing at us. Lets face it. America is a big joke right now with a president who could not organize a pie throwing contest.

Clear Skies
Dwight L Bogan

November 29, 2006 06:08 PM Forum: Religion

Polish exchange Student and Fundy American family

Posted By Dwight Bogan

Here's an amusing story about how a young polish exchange student dealt with an American nut case family,1518,448350,00.html

Clear Skies
Dwight L Bogan