Collins Image Intensifier EPPosted By Hugh Bartlett |
I know there are some reviews out there, but I'll add my $0.02. As is, I'd say it's a bust; but with an H-Alpha filter ($200-$300), it is miraculous what faint nebulae I have been able to see in detail from light polluted locations. I'd say it is totally worth it if you can pick one up on Astromart for $1,500 or so, whether it is the original or the new thin-film version, and add an H-Alpha filter.
One caveat: it takes more in-focus travel than many scopes have. I lucked out with my 10" Dob, but had to countersink my collimation bolts to get it to focus on my 12.5" DSE.
One caveat: it takes more in-focus travel than many scopes have. I lucked out with my 10" Dob, but had to countersink my collimation bolts to get it to focus on my 12.5" DSE.