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Posts Made By: Wesley Higgins

October 25, 2002 03:04 AM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Two Versions of Saturn

Posted By Wesley Higgins


I took this image of Saturn last December and
just aligned and processed it again using a
different program (ImagesPlus).
14 image stack taken with an Olympus C-2100
and a 18" Starmaster Dob with tracking .

I'm not sure which image I like the best
the softer one looks best to me when viewed
by it's self but with the hard processed one
it looks slightly to soft to me .

I would like to get opinions on which one
looks the best or maybe both need much work.
I hope to get some new images if this weather
here in Oklahoma will ever clear up .


Wes Higgins

November 2, 2002 10:26 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Re: Olympus C2100UZ for astro photography

Posted By Wesley Higgins


I have a C2100UZ and it is excellent for Planetary
and Lunar photography , the 10x optical zoom is
nice , you have a wide range of powers with out
changing eyepieces .
It has a large internal buffer for sequential shooting a lot of images before it writes to the card .

The 16 second max exposure is very limiting for
DSO imaging though .

Wes Higgins

November 14, 2002 08:10 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Jupiter 11-13-02 GRS , Io Shadow

Posted By Wesley Higgins


I took this Jupiter image Tuesday Morning (11-13-02)
about 5:30AM CST .

The seeing was not good enough to capture much
detail and I would rather the image was larger,
again the seeing would not allow it , it sure
is fun to blame everything on seeing :>)

Starmaster 14.5 , Olympus C2100 digital camera,
49 images stacked and processed in ImagesPlus
and PSP7

Comments pro or con and suggestions welcomed


Wes Higgins

December 1, 2002 04:48 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Moon Venus Mars

Posted By Wesley Higgins


This is not the usual DSO or Planet
images posted here but I thought it
might be interesting with the Earth Shine.

12-01-02 Olympus C-2100 Digital camera,
full 10x optical zoom , 1/2 second exposure,
tripod mount, camera only

Tecumseh Oklahoma, USA


Wes Higgins

December 8, 2002 11:34 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Saturn 12/06/02

Posted By Wesley Higgins


I took this Saturn image the morning of 12/06/02
Starmaster/Zambuto 14.5 , Olympus C-2100
digital camera, 175 images selected from 1433, stacked in RegiStax .


Wes Higgins

December 16, 2002 08:14 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Another Dbl. Shadow Transit Image

Posted By Wesley Higgins


I thought I would go ahead and ad my image of
the Jupiter GRS,Io,Ganymede Shadow transit
from Sunday morning along with the fine images
of the event that have already been posted .

Starmaster 14.5 , Olympus C-2100 digital camera,
24 images stacked

The seeing was below average here in Oklahoma
so the details are not to sharp .


Wes Higgins

December 20, 2002 05:08 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Saturn in the buff

Posted By Wesley Higgins


With the requests for raw images I thought I
would post a raw image of Saturn from a stack
of 192 in RegiStax .

14.5" Starmaster
Olympus C-2100 Digital camera


Wes Higgins

March 8, 2003 08:59 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Jupiter & GRS 03-07-03

Posted By Wesley Higgins


After almost three weeks of clouds I finally had a clear night here in Tecumseh Oklahoma USA , it still looks like the jet stream has taken up permanent residence over my back yard though .
This little web cam is quite a camera and I can't
wait until I get some really good seeing to see
what it is capable of .

This Jupiter image is a stack of 143 from 640 , ToUcam
Pro, 14.5 Starmaster/Zambuto , 4x Televue Barlow .

Stacked in Registax and processed in Registax and ImagePlus


Wes Higgins

March 16, 2003 01:43 AM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Third Web Cam Jupiter

Posted By Wesley Higgins


Jupiter 03/13/03
Jupiter is shrinking fast , now 43".

The seeing was a little better than average around here
that night .

ToUcam Pro Starmaster/Zambuto 14.5 F/4.3 with
4x Barlow = F/17.2
10 FPS 1/33 shutter


Wes Higgins

March 20, 2003 08:36 PM Forum: CCD Imaging and Processing/Solar System

Another Jupiter Large

Posted By Wesley Higgins


Just to see what it would look like I
processed another set of Jupiter
images from March 13 2003 but this
time much larger as seems to be
popular now , not as good as some
but I hope still interesting .


Wes Higgins