How to setup my cg5 mountPosted By Ron Oehlert |
When I just now entered a search for *dual dovetail* via google dot com (I then immediately selected *dual dovetail mounts* from their expanded subject-variety list), the very ninth return (the 1st 8 returns were for rifle scope mounts) directed me to Astromart where a Losmandy-brand dual dovetail is presently listed under the Mounts, Drives, Tripods catagory in the Classifieds here. IOW most any astro mount or astrophotograply dealers have such items, which BTW are also called Tandem bars; Anacortes supplies them. You might also want or need a pair of adjustable-aim Rings to mount a scope to the dovetail bar to easily aim both scopes to the same spot (or to piggy-back one scope to the other eliminating the need for a Tandem bar). You can also just Manually guide by watching thru the other scopes' eyepiece (attach a DIY pointer in the eyepieces' field stop & de-focus the guide star = no illiminated crosshairs needed) & making drive corrections via the hand controller to your drive; that is how I did it back in the days of film photography. And depending on desired image scale (even for deep-sky), the C6 could be your photo instrument with the other scope as the guider (you'll quite likely interchange both). A book or two on the subject of astrophotography & digital processing will tell you what you need to know & help you get started (see Software & Publications catagory in the Astromart classifieds or vist Anacortes looking under Astronomy & then Books).