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andrews porter

Sh2-157 The lobster claw nebula

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Posts Made By: Steve Stonehill

February 21, 2005 02:48 AM Forum: Birding Optics and Photos

More Pond Birds

Posted By Steve Stonehill

My wife and I had an extremely productive day with approx 20 different species of birds photographed. The birds in this series were at Wreck Pond in Monmouth County, NJ. This first one is overexposed, I have to get the hang of shooting through a refractor in less than ideal conditions. This Red-Breasted Merganser has what looks to be a Bluegill in his mouth. This is one of several with the fish. this was at about 50 yards.

Clear Skies,

Orion 80ED with Digital Rebel

February 22, 2005 01:37 AM Forum: Birding Optics and Photos

Ugliest Bird Ever?

Posted By Steve Stonehill

I shot this today at Lake Como in Monmouth County, NJ. It looks like a vulture and a duck had little too much to drink! grin

Clear Skies,


February 22, 2005 01:52 AM Forum: Birding Optics and Photos

Bird Bullies!

Posted By Steve Stonehill

My wife and I shot these today at various spots in Monmouth County, NJ. This Red-Tailed Hawk was being chased by crows. I was shooting ducks when I heard the racket so I picked the tripod and camera up and snapped off some shots. This is lightened considerably, the day was gray. sad

February 25, 2005 03:37 AM Forum: Birding Optics and Photos

Dreary Day Ducks

Posted By Steve Stonehill

This photo is adjusted for levels, resized, and cropped. The variety of birds that are currently in our coastal ponds is amazing. I believe the three species in this pic are Red-Breasted Merganser, American Widgeon, and Bufflehead.

February 26, 2005 01:18 AM Forum: Birding Optics and Photos

One for the Old Coots

Posted By Steve Stonehill

Self Explanatory!

Clear Skies,


February 27, 2005 02:53 AM Forum: Birding Optics and Photos

A Few Shots from Today

Posted By Steve Stonehill

When we left the house it was sunny, then the clouds rolled in. sad This pic is two consecutive frames stitched together. We were at the Shark River Inlet in Belmar, NJ. This gal was coming in from the ocean.

February 27, 2005 02:58 AM Forum: Birding Optics and Photos

Sandpiper ID Please

Posted By Steve Stonehill

I shot these today at Shark River Inlet at Belmar, NJ. I couldn't make a positive ID.



February 28, 2005 10:37 PM Forum: Birding Optics and Photos

Juvenile Red-Tailed Hawk

Posted By Steve Stonehill

It's got something in its talons, my wife thinks it's a small bird. I shot this Sunday at Wreck Pond in Spring Lake, NJ.

Clear Skies,


Canon Digital Rebel and Canon 400 5.6

February 28, 2005 10:40 PM Forum: Birding Optics and Photos

Sharp-Shinned, I Think

Posted By Steve Stonehill

This was shot last Sunday at Lake Como in Belmar, NJ. He never came low enough to get any close ups.

Clear Skies,


Digital Rebel with Canon 400 5.6

February 28, 2005 10:45 PM Forum: Birding Optics and Photos

Bald Eagle

Posted By Steve Stonehill

This was a huge surprise for my wife and I. We never thought we'd see an Eagle where we were. This was shot last Sunday at Lake Como in Belmar, NJ about 250 yards from the ocean. I believe it must have been hunting ducks because there aren't many large fish this time of year that would attract an Eagle.

Clear Skies,


Canon Digital Rebel and Canon 400 5.6