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andrews porter

Sh2-157 The lobster claw nebula

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Posts Made By: Rod Mollise

July 16, 2007 11:27 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Giving a review for a purchase?

Posted By Rod Mollise


Give an honest review on the unit received. Period. If you want to then exchange it and say, "well, the replacement was right good," fine.

Also, allusions to "some company" and "some product" don't help the community NAME NAMES. You don't have to flame somebody; just tell the truth politely. ;-)

July 27, 2007 11:55 AM Forum: Equipment Talk

SCT on Schaeffer Mount

Posted By Rod Mollise

[QUOTE]Alex McConahay said:

Got a call from somebody today who inherited 14.25 inch SCT (F 6.7) on a Bill Schaeffer mount.


The Celestron C14 is an F/11 scope. AFAIK, the only "different" SCT Celestron produced was the White tube back in the 60s, and there was no C14 in that series...only a C16. It's likely not a Meade either. Meade did make some f/6.3 SCTs, but I don't know they ever did a 14. Before I would be willing to venture a guess about worth, I'd need to know who made this SCT.

Unk Rod

August 3, 2007 06:41 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Rich field scopes - nobody consider Newtonians?

Posted By Rod Mollise

Maybe some folks don't consider 'em. I do. In fact, down here in the Summer when it's hot, hazy, and humid on the Gulf of Mexico, my rich field Newt, my l'il StarBlast f/4 100mm gets more use than any of my other scopes. Small APOs definitely kick butt, but then I have to worry about a tripod or mount. StarBlast? I hop into the backyard, plunk her down on a patio table, and can be back inside in a minute if it clouds over (likely), or the derned mosquitos drain my last drop of blood (even more likely) and I have to replenish it via a dollop o' Rebel Yell. For my thoughts on the SB see my review of that cool little scope on this very site.

A larger scope would deliver more light, but the field would be narrower, and a larger than 4-inch would be more of a pain in the you-know-what to lug outside on these iffy evenings. As I always say: "THE ONLY ENEMY OF GOOD ENOUGH IS MORE BETTER!"


August 13, 2007 02:25 PM Forum: Star Parties

Almost Heaven Star Party

Posted By Rod Mollise

All done.

Nice folks AND (when it was clear) some of THE best skies I have ever seen east of the Mississippi!

August 15, 2007 09:29 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Criterion bell-shaped pier, where are they?

Posted By Rod Mollise

Where are they...hmm...could it be...maybe...


Sorry, couldn't resist. One thing I absolutely hated about 60s GEMs was those piers. Hard to carry, hard to pack in the car, heavy and shaky to boot. I remember how exercised my ol' Mum used to get when I'd bump the pier legs of my scopes into the furniture on my way to the backyard (yeah, you could remove the legs, but who did?)...


August 15, 2007 09:31 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

green laser experiment

Posted By Rod Mollise

You know what curiousity did to Mr. Kitty, doncha?

If you value your eyesight, please don't do this again.

August 24, 2007 01:29 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Celestron CPC 11" OTA ?

Posted By Rod Mollise

Naw...I don't know of any major differences. What caught your eye? The Chinese-made (SE) OTAs (no 11) do have redesigned rear cells and corrector assemblies.

Unk Rod

August 24, 2007 01:31 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Equipment for Photographing the Moon

Posted By Rod Mollise

Yes, if you want small-scale high-magnification images the 8-inch will be MUCH better. Without some kind of a drive, though, you wouldn't be able to take advantage of that.

August 31, 2007 01:06 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

Mellincam Hyper Color

Posted By Rod Mollise

I don't have one, but I saw one in operation a while back operated by my good buddy Jack Huerkamp. I was impressed. The dang thing was pulling color out o' the Crescent Nebula with Jack's 12-inch dob.

September 15, 2007 04:17 PM Forum: Equipment Talk

how to know the perfect telescope..

Posted By Rod Mollise

Sorry, there ain't so such thing as a "perfect" telescope anymore than there's a perfect anything else. There are some very good telescopes, but they ain't perfect. 8)